[4] The Threat.

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"Is this the man I raised you to be? How dare you insult a poor girl like this? I am extremely embarrassed and disappointed to be calling you my son." Mr. Sheikh is visibly fuming. His anger is clearly shown through his tightly frowning face and closely knit eyebrows.

Barqat is visibly shaken by his dad's actions. His dad has never raised his hand on him before in his life and now because of a stupid girl, he's gone this far. "Abbu, I–"

"No, don't say anything that is not an apology. I want you to apologize to this young lady right at this instance."

"Apologize? To her? I haven't said anything wrong." Barqat is just as stubborn.

Dunia notices the tension that is being caused and decides to intervene, "Sir, it's okay, he doesn't need to apologize... I'm sure he was just confirming if I'm qualified for the job."

Mr. Sheikh gives her an apologetic smile, "You're handling this so maturely, Dunia. I'm so ashamed." He sighs, "I am utterly embarrassed and sorry for my son's disturbing behaviour. Today, I've realized I did not raise my son with correct morals."

"Sir, please. Do not apologize, I'm sure Mr. Barqat was just having a rough day. It happens to the best of us." Dunia really feels terrible that Mr. Sheikh is in so much grief from his son's actions.

Barqat is enraged from the scene unfolding before him, how dare she make his father apologize to such a lowly person like herself? He storms away without apologizing, not being able to stand the pity he clearly saw in her big brown eyes.

• • •

Dunia spent the rest of the day learning her role in the office. Her desk is placed right outside of the CEO's office room, which makes it easier for her to run back and forth for documents and such.

Somehow, the whole day, she couldn't stop thinking about how rude Mr. Barqat Sheikh acted towards her. She has never seen him before... I mean she's seen glimpses of him in the media but they've never met in person. Then, why does he carry so much hate towards her? Why is she so tempted to figure out why he behaves this way?

She breaks out of her thoughts when Mr. Sheikh exists his room because it is finally time to pack up and head home.

"Ms. Bukhari, please, head home. It's getting late and you have worked hard all day!" Mr. Sheikh insists.

"Please! Call me Dunia, I'd appreciate It. Ms. Bukhari sounds too formal coming from someone who's a respected elder." Dunia smiles.

Mr. Sheikh is always taken back by Dunia's respectfulness and politeness. She always handles every conversation with such grace and elegance. "Okay, Dunia. How are you getting home?"

"I take the bus, Sir."

Mr. Sheikh gasps, "The bus? This late at night? I don't think so. I'll have my driver drop you off and pick you up every morning from now on."

"No, no! It's okay. That's too kind of you but I'll manage."

"Dunia, I insist. It is disrespectful to deny an elder his wishes. I would be very upset if you deny the offer." Mr. Sheikh says in an almost joking tone.

"Oh God, I guess I don't have a choice?" Dunia gratefully accepts the offer and notes that Mr. Sheikh is just as stubborn as his son. I guess his son had to get it from somewhere.

As Mr. Sheikh was about to call for his driver, Barqat enters the room. "Abbu, I'll give her a ride back home."

"Barqat? You?" Mr. Sheikh is confused by Barqat's sudden politeness.

"Yes, I've realized what I said this morning was completely unacceptable, and if not only hurt my image but yours as well. The least I can do is drop Ms. Dunia off at home tonight." Barqat gives his father and Dunia an apologetic smile.

That is music to Mr. Sheikh's ears, "Of course, my son! Please, drop Dunia back home safely!" He gives Barqat a firm hug, showing Barqat he's proud of him. "Mash'Allah (God is willing), I'm so proud of you, son."

Mr. Sheikh says his goodbyes and leaves Dunia and Barqat, alone together.

"You!" Barqat spins around on his heels, directly facing Dunia. Dunia starts taking a few steps back in fear of what's coming. "Because of you, my father raised his hand to my face for the first time." He's angry, he's immensely angry.

Dunia's back hits the door and she slowly reaches for the door knob from behind her, hoping he wouldn't notice. When he got close enough, she twisted the door knob and bolts.

"HEY! COME BACK HERE! You little—" Barqat yells from behind her and runs after her.

She runs as fast as her feet could take her. Good thing she chose to wear flats today. Her heart begins beating in her chest as if it's about to fall out of her chest from beating too fast. Her breathing becomes heavy as she runs towards, what she thought was the door leading her outside.

She didn't realize that instead of taking the exit door, she ran inside another office room. It dawns on her when she realizes that the room is dark and accidentally hits her hip onto a table's edge, "Ya Allah! That hurt so much, owwww!"

To her dismay, Barqat walks in, turns on the lights and Dunia could see the clear look of annoyance and anger on his face. It seems that those emotions are always spread across his face. That's too bad, he has attractive features— shut up! she yells at her thoughts.

His hands are formed into fists as he marches towards her, trapping her against the wall. "You are unbelievable! It's extremely rude and lowly to run away in the middle of a conversation!" He raises his voice, making Dunia flinch.

I'm the one being extremely rude? Me? She thinks to herself. "I– I'm sorry. It was i–instinctive. I saw d–d–danger and I ran." Dunia confesses as she looks down at her feet.

Barqat rolls his eyes, and leans in closer to her face, "I will make sure to make your life a living hell while you work here. Your days will slowly become torturous and unbearable until you, yourself, will quit the job. Do you understand?"

Dunia couldn't pay attention to anything he was saying saying. The physical distance between the two are so close, she begins panicking at how haram this is. She begins fidgeting in her spot as she unconsciously nods her head, without looking up.

"Look at me when I talk to you!" Barqat begins grinding his teeth from anger. He puts his index finger under her chin, and aggressively lifts up her head so their eyes would meet, Dunia flinches from pressure of his finger.

"I said look at me when I talk you, bi—" He couldn't finish his sentence because he suddenly became mesmerized by her big brown eyes. Along with the shock filling her eyes, they looked so full of life, as if no one has ever hurt her before.

Dunia's eyes began filling up with tears but she refused to break down in front of him, "Sir, please, could you keep your distance?"

Barqat takes a few steps back and clears his throat, "Next time, when I talk to you, look at me and speak clearly. I do not appreciate sluggish behaviour."

"Yes, Sir." Dunia replies with as much clarity as possible through her shaky voice.

"I'm not dropping you off at home. Find your own way home. I'm an important person. I have better things to do than to take care of weak, stupid women like you." He says almost rudely and walks out, shutting the door behind him.

Dunia falls to the ground, her tears finally flowing free. Her chin throbbing slightly from Barqat's grip. "Ya Allah, please give me strength to work here. I'm not doing this for myself but for my family. I promise I will leave this place the second my family's financial state becomes stable again. Please help me on this journey, Ameen."

- - -

A/N: Barqat and Dunia will start progressing bit by bit. 😉 See y'all next weekend! 💕

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