Chapter 8

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Song for this chapter;

Breathe me - Sia


"Was it something I said?" Harry asks me, blinking.

"I-" I can't seem to get words out of my mouth as tears continue brimming down on my flushed cheeks, painful memory behind every one of them.

I feel like I've lost myself, no where to be found.

It seemed like yesterday, when I was awaken by the sweet smell of my mother's home made breakfast, my father sitting on the table, flicking through a magazine. Once they had realized I was awake, a warm smile was flashed at me, with good morning's echoing through the kitchen.

"Why are you crying?" He questions me for what seems like 10th time in a minute, furrowing his thick eyebrows.

"I'm not crying," I state, trying to desperately lie.

He raises his eyebrows, almost as doubting my sanity.

"I'm having an allergic reaction," I peek through my fingers.

"To what?" He speaks in disbelief.

"To you."

He doesn't seem to be amused, by my attempt to joke.

"You're something else," he sighs, shaking his head.

We both sit in silence, only the sounds of a ticking clock and my hiccups filling out our ears.

"You don't have to camouflage the way you feel," He breaks the silence between the two of us," it's okay not to be okay sometimes." His husky voice remarks, even though I never told him the reason behind my tears, his comforting words having an visible affect on me.

I've never had to tell anyone about it, some already knew and the rest wasn't interested in it.

He stands up, leaving his absence noticeable. I touch the spot he sat on, feeling the warmth I long to feel around me.

"Here," Harry offers me a cup, steam floating above it, as I peer at him.

"Drink this. It's cocoa, since you don't drink coffee." I grab the mug, savoring a little bit of the hot cocoa.

"Mm," I smile weakly at him, as he takes a seat next to me.

"My parents," my voice hoarses in a whisper, making Harry lean closer to me.

"What about them?" He whispers back.

"T-they're the reason I left America," I utter, my voice cracking. "They died in a c-car accident," I cry.

"Zoe, I'm so sorry, I didn't know." He is paralyzed by my confession, eyes twiching.

"It's okay," I sniff.

He curls his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to his chest." Sorry, I never really was good at comforting, but I'm trying my best." He whispers.

"Thank you."

He looks oddly surprised at my appriciation, raising his one eyebrow.

"What?" I ask.

"It's just you haven't thanked me before, and now that you have, it's just kind of feels special," he flushes and holds me tighter to his chest.

I smile at his uncommom words, and can't help but yawn as I feel little tired.

"Tired, eh?" I nod at his statement and he gently pulls me by my arm, leading me to his bedroom.

"You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch," he remarks, knowing that I won't sleep on the same bed as him.

He leaves the room and I begin to look around his room, it's simply but quite tidy, also.

"Here's some clothes," Harry's deep voice speaks, handing me a pile of his clothes.

I thank him and again he seems to be affected by it, mumbling something I quite didn't catch.

I turn the lights off and quickly jump on the bed, my jump caused Harry to yell if I'm allright, humiliation taking over me. Muttering that I didn't hurt myself, I finally tuck myself into his warm bed.

My nose instantly recognizes the smell of his cologne and a hint of mint lingering on his pillow and sheets.

I actually felt a little releaved when I opened up for him, it made my sorrow a little less heavier.


Spreading sunshine peeked from the window, waking me up. I tried to sleep some more, turning around to get comfortable until my hand touched a paper.

I take the paper in my hands, blinking couple times to get a better view of it.

It had a short note written on it.

I had somewhere to be, but I'm going to return soon. If you wake up before I come back, feel free to shower and eat anything you want from the fridge. xx - H

I smile at his awfully written but still a cute message. Since it was morning, I couldn't get myself to eat so I decide to shower.

I walk up to his quite large bathroom. It was a decent one, and clean except for the little tarnished giant mirror that sparkled in the morning light. He even had a hot tub, that lured me in, but I fought the urge since Harry would be here anytime soon.

As I finished showering, I took one of the towels that were hanging, they were really small, but big enough to cover my chest and private parts at least, it's my own fault that I didn't bring clothes in the bathroom.

I wrap another towel around my head, looking in the mirror. When I'm ready to go, grab the handle, slowly opening up the door, checking the area, making sure Harry wasn't in sight. I wouldn't want him to see me half naked. I mean, I may have some feelings towards him and want to be close to him, but there was no way I'm ready for him to see me like this.

The only thing I hear is my own heavy breathing, afraid of getting caught by Harry in this awkawrd state.

"Don't drop the towel," I hear a whistle coming from the kitchen, knowing that I've been caught.


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