All the wrong reasons

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We wouldn’t call it a seperation, we’d call it the race against destiny!
We are back with yet another chapter to keep you at the edge of your seat. Sit back, relax and be ready for some heartbreak and some unexpected surprises.

Teri Nazron mein hai tere sapne
Tere sapnon mein main raazi
Mujhe lagta hai ki baatein dil ki
Hoti lafzon ki dhokebaazi
Tum saath ho, ya na ho,
Kyaa fark hai,
Bedard thi zindagi,
bedard hai...

Zain and Aditi - inseparable souls we thought ? Well fate had its own plans.
It had been an entire day since they had spoken and neither of them had the courage or the emotional strength to interact under any circumstance. They had banked episodes shot already and only Aditi had her last shot to get done with and they were on a 5 day holiday. Zain hadn’t spoken to Abhilash, to Jahaan or to any of his friends as much as he usually did.  This was the first time he actually really felt a sense of rejection. - Well maybe not rejection but to frame it we’d say heartbreak without being in an official relationship. He couldn’t understand where he had went wrong here.
Since they were now on holiday, Zain was leaving for delhi to spend some time in his hometown and meet up with his parents of course.

Zain’s POV
I was a total mess. In actual form and in emotional form too. Thank god I had a chance to get away from everything a little. My flight was at 8:30pm that night. I packed up, my clothes and myself too. Abhilash dropped me at the airport. And I was about to take off in about an hour. I took a seat while I waited before I could get to my flight. My mind was effed up but this was the unexplainable moment when my heart spoke to me. My heart told my mind I was missing something. I felt like a part of me was missing. All in all I felt unbearably incomplete. I switched on my phone. Scrolled through Instagram and - not to my surprise - fans were posting pics of our recent picture at Guls get together. OUR picture. Me & Aditi. I stared at one picture for minutes. I couldn’t get my mind neither my eyes of it and here it was. It was her. I listened to my heart only. It was only her that had left me incomplete. It was HER that i was leaving behind. SHE was the part of me i was missing. It was HER and only her.

Zain at the airport ~
He wanted to open up his contact list and dial her straight away to let her know that she was all that meant to him. HE LOVED HER ONLY and he could do it for as long as he existed - but - the fact that he was pushed away by Aditi dragged him to the extent saying that he would never be able to be hers and neither will she. She had told him to stay away and there wasn’t any way he was going to rebel her command. The level of honor and respect he had for her crossed no limit. He needed not, to force his decision or desires upon her. And so, he told him himself that he needed to move on and make a good life for himself.

Upon reaching delhi ~
Zain was more than happy to see his parents after months. They had come to fetch him from the airport. He greeted them with tight hugs and they headed off to his house. They shared meals, talks and he got the motherly affection he had been missing since months. Zain’s mom had a lot in mind to share with her son ~
Zain’s mom - son we know you work really hard and we are proud of you.
Zain - yes Ma.
Zain’s mom - and I had a little something in mind
Zain - yes Ma say it.
Zain’s mom - wouldn’t you like to share your time with a life partner ?
(Zains dad walks in )
Z dad - yes son your mother has been on my head for the past month about this. Why don’t you think about it with a cool mind.
Zain - anything for you guys
Zain didnt even give it a second thought. His anger and frustration held him back from saying anything that would stop his from moving on. While his parents were in the process of looking for a girl for their son, Zain showed no interest and neither did he involve himself in any of the arrangements. He only knew one thing - his mind and body were here in delhi but his heart and soul were exactly where he had left it. He needed to accept what his parents had planned for him since he had decided to move on and this was the first step of that. With the uninterest that Zain contained in himself, he said Yes to the first girl they had arranged. All of this obviously didn’t take one day. It was time to get back home to Mumbai while they had one last day of holiday on the following day. Zain had planned an engagement party of him and his new fiancée in Mumbai for the cast of his show and his close friends. Mentioning the ‘cast’ - included there was the person he had let his heart with but was never gonna get back - Aditi. His intention was not to make her feel out of place or jealous but it was to let her know that he’d moved on.


our next few chapters are gonna blow your minds away and satisfy hearts to its fullest. We’ve kept this short so buckle because our upcoming chapters are gonna present you the most unexpected surprises.

Till then keep loving Naamkarann and AdiZa. Also, let us know how you liked it in the comments section below, we love to go through them❤
Love~ M&A♡

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