Chapter Five.

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"Dude! This is a whole different group. Way better!" Tyler tells Adam. Wait what? We're a group?

"Can I join? Pleeeease!" Adam whines.

"Well maybe. But to join, you have to meet this fabulous beauty." Tyler points to me. Then Adam looks at me very sternly. I shoot him an awkward smile. He just smiles back.

"Hi, my name's Adam." He says sweetly to me. Dont mess this up.

"Uh my name is Juliette." I say blushing. I'm blushing?

"I'm going to bring Mitch to join. I'll be right back." Jerome excused himself. Oh my gosh. Merome is real! I start to squeal.

"What the balls was that?" Brandon ask me. The life of a fangirl. The pain is real.

"It's called a squeal." I say as-a-matter-of-factly.

"For what?" Adam ask. Tsk tsk. These boys don't go on Tumblr much, do they?

"Merome." I say plain and cooly. They stare at me, then fall to the ground laughing.

"That's so stupid." Jason blurts out between laughs.

"It's not funny nor nice to make fun of ones beliefs." I pout. Jerks.

"Awe. You know we are kidding. We love you!" Tyler smiles," Group hug!"



Suddenly, all the boys tackle me into a hug. Ugh. I really can't stay mad at them. Then i feel an extra pair of bodies add to the group hug. Jerome and Mitch?

Minutes later, the hug is broken.

"Are we forgiven?" Adam ask me. I notice he is grinning at me. That boy.

"Ugh fine. But I want a cupcake!" I yell out.

"Brandon, go get her the cupcake!" Mitch yells. Haha this is cool. Mitch turns to me.

"Hello, my name is Mitch. You're Juliette, right?" Okay, gotta make this funny.

"Yep! That's me! Juliette, the most fabulous you will ever meet!" I pose and make a weird face. I hear laughing that belongs to Mitch! Yes! Score!

"Here is your cupcake madam!" Brandon comes up to me and hands me a cupcake.

"Wow. Thanks Brandon!" I smell the cupcake. So divine. It could probably melt in your mouth. I take a small bite, and let out a moan. My gosh. This is splendid.

"Why are you taking so long to eat that, Juliette? People, or usually me, eat it clean." Adam wonders.

"THis is my first cupcake I have ever had." I say as quietly as i can.

"YOU SAY WHAT NOW! GURL NO!" Everyone yells in shock.

"Wait. Everyone shut up!" Mitch yells. "You mean, you have nevere had a cupcake until today, at this very moment?!" Mitch waits eagerly for my answer.

"Yes. That is corect." Everyone gasps. Then before I know, I am being pulled into yet another group hug.

"Uh huys. Not to be rude or anything, but why are you hugging me?" I say during each pant of breath. They let go and stare at me.

"Well you've never had a cupcake so." Adam says. Awe how cute.

"Why thank you. I try my best." Adam winks at me. Okay I really need to learn how to not say my thoughts OUTLOUD. 

"You're not so bad yourself." Adam adds. Then some of the boys start going "ohhh" and Jason whistles the romantic whistle. Great. Just freaking great.

"Hey Adam, don't you have to be at the Comedy Show right now?" Tyler informs Adam.

"Oh crap! Yeah thanks! Why don't you guys come?" He is probably talking about the guys. They nod. 

"Well it was fun. I guess I will make my way out." I say to them while walking off.

"Wait!" Adam yells. He grabs my wrist and pulls me forward. "I want you to come too." I am so close to him, I can smell his cologne.

"Why? I'm no one special." I tell him. He just disagrees.

"Not to me." He says very quietly. "Please  come with us?" His eyes are staring deep into my eyes. His green eyes, they're beautiful.

"Hey Adam, time to g- oh uh sorry." Jerome says and awkwardly walks out. Oh my gosh! How embarrassing.  

"Come?" He asled. He held his hand out for me. Why not? I grab his hand. His fingers intertwine with mine. Suddenly, his hand left mine. Coldness filled my hand.

"C'mon guys! Let's go!" He yells happily. While we are running, everything slows down. This must be a dream. 

I am snapped out by entering the huge room. I stare at all the people here. Lots of people.

"Good luck Adam." I smile. He smiles back, then waves off. 

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