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Jungkook's POV
"URGH!", I yelled while punching a nearby locker leaving a permernant dent on it.

How dare Jimin take her away from me?
All he'll do is break her heart. He is a playboy and has never stuck with one girl for more than 2 weeks.

What am I gonna do...?
She seems happy with him but I love her too and I don't want her heart to get broken. Honestly, I can't even stand to see them all lovey dovey infront of me. It makes me so jealous, wishing that that was me.

I slid down on to the floor with my hands on my head, gripping onto my hair, thinking on what to do, till someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up to see Yoongi hyung.

"Hey kookie.", he started, while squatting down to my level.

"Hi. What do you want hyung? I'm not in the mood.", I replied lifelessly.

"You upset about Jimin and Mirae's relationship?", he questioned and gave me a 'Don't you dare lie to me' face.

Reluctantly, I nodded my head and said, "yeah."

"Are you afraid that Jimin will shatter her heart?"


"It's okay, I feel the same way. All we can do is that if that day were to ever happen, we'll be there for her."

After he said that last statement, he stood up and walked away, hands in his pockets.

Sighing to myself, I thought of hyung's words and I thanked him internally. Though I still wonder how Yoongi hyung feels the same way.
Probably as a friend right?
He never stated it clearly as to what he felt the same to when he was comforting me earlier.

He couldn't know about my feelings right?
But, if he does, doesn't that mean he loves Mirae too?

I'm confused...


(Time: After the date)
(Location: At BTS house/apartment, Jimin's room)

Jimin's POV
I lay in my bed wide awake as I recalled all her dazzling smiles and happy face. Not to mention the kiss. I remember my heart pulsing so quickly and loudly. Just thinking about it already makes my heart beat faster.

I remember how I even rode the roller coaster and even won the unicorn plushie, all just for her. I think I am getting attached to Mirae and is falling for her.
I know I shouldn't,
but the scary thing is, I like it.

Mirae's POV
Once again, we were all together at Eunhe's house.

We all sat on the couch and Soo Mi asked, "So you're dating Jimin huh?"


"Just remember what to do and the minimum time limit.", Mixin warned me.

"So far so good eh, Mirae?", Soo Mi asked.

"I guess...", I replied.

"You know, you could have just rejected the dare.", Eunhe added.

"Oh, what's the fun in that if she rejects, anyways good luck.", Soo Mi said.

"Let's put that behind us first and just chill.", Mixin suggested.

To which we all agreed. Together, sitting on the living room floor of Eunhe's house, we dunk down cups of alcohol. Bottle by by bottle we drank, till I was rather tipsy. Glancing at my phone, I realised that it was rather late, announcing that I had to go. But Eunhe wouldn't let me asking me to call someone to pick me up.
Reluctantly, I took out my phone scrolling though my contacts till the name 'Suga' caught my eye. Pressing on it, I dialed.

After a few rings, a husky and raspy voice answered, "Hello, who is this?", he said in a rather annoyed tone.

"Hello, S-suga? It's me, Mirae."

After hearing that it was me, he seemed to have calmed down, but his next words were etched with worry.

"Are you alright? You sound weird. Wait, you're not drunk are you?"

"Nope...heheh. Definitely not. I'm not drunk~", I replied happily.

"Yup you're drunk. Tell me your location, i'll go pick you up right now."

"Address? Why would you add a dress? You aren't a girl, are you?", I replied stupidly.

"*Sighs. How drunk are you? I meant location. Where is your location?"

"Oh~ Why didn't you say so? I'm at Eunhe's house, ××× Street."

"Thank you, I'm coming over to get you now. Bye."
Call end.

Minutes later~

Yoongi's POV
Upon opening Eunhe's house door, I was greeted with the strong smell of alcohol. Looking around, I spotted Mirae dunking down a cup of shots. Pulling her away, with her whining at every step, I gave up and carried her bridal style into my car. Driving her to her house(Don't ask me why I know where she lives. FYI, I am not a stalker.), though I still question why she called me instead of her boyfriend, Jimin.

Looking under her doormat, I found a pair of keys and used it to open the door. As the door swung open, the fragrant scent of jasmine hit me, calming my nerves down.

By the time I carried her up into her bedroom she was already knocked out. Laying her gently onto her bed, I kissed her forehead muttering a goodnight before turning around to leave.

That's when she grabbed my wrist and uttered a soft "Don't go"

Turning around to look at her, I saw that her eyes were open. Catching me off guard, she tugged on my arm rather forcefully causing me to fall onto the bed, on top of her. Hovering above her, I gazed into her gorgeous intriguing hazel coloured eyes, as I slowly looked down towards her pinkish lips. I saw her pupils dilate as I leaned in closer towards her lips, but stopping myself an inch away from her tempting lips, I thought about how Jimin would feel.

I was about to pull away when a pair of soft lips were pressed against mine, with her arms sliding around my neck. Being captivated by her lips, I too kissed back. Licking her top lip she complied to my silent request as she opened her mouth slightly allowing my tongue to slip inside her mouth. I could taste the slight bitterness of the alcohol, but her mouth was rather sweet. We continued our heavy make out session with Jimin long forgotten...

That was of course till I realise she had stopped responding to me. Pulling back, I realised that she had already fallen asleep. Looking at her cute and peaceful sleeping face, I kissed her on the forhead before laying in bed beside her drifting off to sleep.

With my last thought being, 'Please be mine, Mirae'


Author's note:
So Yoongi likes Mirae too.
How will these all play out?

Don't mind any errors, please vote and review.


Stay happy readers!  :-.)


"Is this karma for not confessing to you earlier? "



"I know that I should not take advantage of you when you're drunk, but is it wrong to say that I enjoyed that kiss? "


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