Chapter Two: A Rancher's Tale

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Navi had felt the malevolent energy from inside the Temple of Time, but it was not until Link stepped outside that he felt it as well. It was more intense than he had expected it to be, and he flinched when it hit him. Navi suddenly groaned and winced, and dropped onto his shoulder; clearly she was affected far more strongly by it.

"You OK Navi?" He asked, bringing his hand up to her when she actually sagged forward.

"Ugh, I feel like I'm going to be sick. I didn't think it was going to be this bad. Are you alright with me hiding until we get out of here?"

"Of course, I'll try to be quick too." He added, and she gratefully slipped under his cap.

Link took the time to observe his surroundings now, beginning to make his way out of the now-dilapidated town. A clearer view of the sky revealed that it was in fact daytime, but the only indication of that was a sun that struggled futilely to break through the dark heavy clouds above that swirled menacingly and unnaturally. Most of the buildings about the town showed evidence of burning, and some he saw even the stonework was dismantled, either from explosives or some other great force. The cobblestone also showcased an impressive array of potholes and torn up dirt patches. Not a sound disturbed the stillness of the square that he entered, even the wind was hushed and silent. It was the kind of silence that encouraged oneself to maintain it, and he did so, treading softly enough to barely register his steps and instead his own heartbeat and breathing dominated his hearing.

Seeing the town in this state fouled his mood, and in his mournfulness of its condition he once again found himself keenly aware that this was likely his own fault. Pulling the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time may have proven him a hero, but his absence immediately afterwards, allowing Ganondorf's conquest, made him feel the farthest thing from that.

To the north, he could see where Hyrule Castle had once stood proud, overlooking the town. The castle was no longer present at all, instead a black tower had been erected in its place, and the clouds above swirled about the very peak of it. He stared at its black form, wondering if Ganondorf was in that tower at this moment. How would he react when he discovered that he had returned? He had proven to be capable enough to overcome the Evil King's challenges and curses as a child, after all. What more could he do now that he was an adult? Would he be considered a threat to his power, or was he so sure of himself he would allow him to run free again? He turned away and headed south, towards Hyrule Field. If Ganondorf was there and found him here, he was done for, as he was now.

The gate was raised, but the wooden drawbridge that had reached over the river that traced the high walls was destroyed. The chains hung limply against the walls, rusting from being exposed to the elements for so long, and the wooden beams, still held together by the iron fastenings on either end, were nearly snapped clean in two, and the center rested within the river, the submerged wood rotted considerably. Beyond, Hyrule Field stretched out, and Link was saddened to see how it had fallen into decay. The field had once been covered by a sea of tall grass, but now short and dying grass covered the landscape as equally as dust and dirt did, and the wind that blew here was dry and stale. Life had once graced this land, but now it was a shell of its former glory. He hoped the whole field was not like this. Hyrule Field was massive enough to house more than one ecosystem, perhaps the southern plains fared better and still housed greenery.

"How are you feeling Navi?" he asked, beginning his trek east.

"A little better, thank you," she responded, sounding weaker than her usual self. The dark energy must have taken a greater toll on her than he realized. "Where are we?" she asked after a few seconds had elapsed.

"Hyrule Field, I'm following the river east," he shortly explained. "Everything looks so...frail?" he added, struggling to find the right word. "Like it's all about to give up and die."

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