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Y/n = Your name
B = Birthday
S/n = Sister
Y/n = Your Name
A/n = Author's Note
F/s = Fav. ship
F/ff = Fav. Fanfic (I just had to)
F/f = Fav. food
F/de = Fav. dessert
F/d = Fav. drink

OTHER STUFF (useful soon)
Y = Year
Z/s = Zodiac sign
F/Su = Fav. Subject
LF/Su = Least Fav. Subject

Your POV
7:30 am


"S/n! Wake up!" I shouted while banging on my sister's door.

"5 more minutes!" S/n groaned. I can hear her voice from the room.

"FINE! Youre not getting your favourite dessert after school!" I joked

"NOPE! NOT HAVING THAT ON THE FIRST DAY!!!" S/n opened the door like a soldier ready for war.

"I was just joking!" I giggled slightly,
S/n sarcasticly giggled along.

"I cant believe its already the start of highschool! Time passes by quick!" S/n said excitedly in a sleepy voice

"Yes, it does pass by!" I said in sarcastic voice "You should really wash your face before everyone in school notice!" I pointed at S/n's face

"I should wash my face.." S/n covered her face in embarassment "Sis, go make a sandwich, you already know what I want!"

7:40 am
3rd Person POV

Y/n and S/n walked to school together like what normal siblings do..

S/n's birthday is at September 21, and Y/n bitthday is at B, Y/n is older than S/n but they were born on the same year!

"Freshmen Year is going to be amazing!!" S/n said in excitement

Y/n smiled and glanced at S/n once more, "Yup, Freshmen IS going to be the best year ever!"

7:43 am
Your POV

Me and S/n arrived school early today, S/n makes her way to the cafeteria to get breakfast.

I catched up to S/n and grabs breakfast. S/n makes her way to a large group of people who were my best friends.

3rd Person POV
7:45 am

Y/n maked her way to her large group of friends. As soon as Y/n got there, they made space for her to sit down and eat breakfast.

"Kawaii~Chan wants to know if Y/n~Senpai likes my cooking!" Kawaii~Chan smiles cheerfully

Y/n stops eating and glanced at Kawaii~Chan. "You cookdd this Kawaii~Chan?" Y/n raised an eyebrow

"Yes! Kawaii~Chan made it" Kawaii~Chan smiled again

Your POV

I knew Kawaii~Chan since Junior High, grade 7, I believe it was when she was getting picked on because she was a meif'wa, but I don't care about that, at least that I'm her friend

"Y/n, you should know that by now in Junior High, Kawaii~Chan goes to school early just because she was awesome at cooking club" Aphmau raised her eyebrows

That is Aphmau, I also met her in grade 7, at lunch, she was the happiest person I've ever met! Im not joking! But just like Kawaii~Chan, she also got picked on, and she was the reason I met Zane and shipped Kawaii~Chan and Zane together!

"Oh yeah, I forgot that Kawaii~Chan was in cooking club!" I scratched the back of my neck

Katelyn and Lucinda chuckled, Cadenza and Laurence also chuckled. I chuckled along with them

I knew these Cadenza and Laurence at grade 8, we were making a group project for a science fair. We made a potato power bank (no questions), it worked and we were at 2nd place.

Katelyn and Lucinda was 1st place for the science fair, and they congratulated us for being 2nd place, us three also did the same thing to Katelyn and Lucinda being 1st place.

"Well, at least both of you still remembered us from Junior High!" Garroth sighed in relief

"That's true" Zane sighed "I still can't believe that I remembered that you shipped me with Kawaii~Chan!"

Garroth and Zane, those two brothers drive me crazy but mostly Garroth.

When I met Garroth at grade 8, he started to have feelings for me.. EVEN LAURENCE STARTED TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME! So those two were having a competition on who can make me blush.. Apparently they both fail on making me blush.

I met Zane because Aphmau introduced me to him (grade 7), it was her childhood friend but Zane was the only type of friend that I've ever had that is emo (no joke)!

But that makes our group of friends the biggest group!

7:50 am

"Guys (and girls), it's 7:50, I think we should go to our homerooms now!" S/n raised her eyebrows looking like she is in trouble.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at lunch, eh?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"Yeah, we'll meet here at lunch" Aphmau smiled I waved goodbye and headed to straight to my locker.

FUN FACTS!!!!!!!!


). S/n's birthday (Sept.21) is the authors birthday

2). The breakfast is granola bars, pancakes and a smol carton of milk

3). School Uniforms (Girls & Boys)

 School Uniforms (Girls & Boys)

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Authors Note

Dear Readers,

This whole chapter took me two days to finish and this book will have slow updates because of my private stuff (school).. I hope you understand Reader~Chan/Kun.
I will try to be active on wattpad but I this is all i have to say.


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