Chapter 6

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The truck eventually pulled to a stop. The boy with shoulder length hair was leaning against me. His soft snores was the only sound around apart from the engine of the truck. The babies and adults in the car with us remained silent.
Even when I saw the shadow of Winfeld in the distance it was still dark when we all arrived. No lights could be seen from the monstrous building.
I didn't see anyone either. The advertisements on the TV back home painted a beautiful picture of families.
Even the thought of my recently estranged family brought the onset of tears. The wetness that dropped from my eyes woke the boy up. He scowled immediately. His gaze quickly shifted when we halted to a stop.
"Here already huh?" I didn't have time to answer. The doors swung open and we were being ushered out.
With the help of a kind looking woman, I plopped down onto rough concrete. I stared, unmoving. Completely in awe. The boy was close behind. I ignored the babies who reminded me too much of my own infant sister.
       We all were escorted in a pair of large gates, past thick concrete walls. I had my eyes set on a small cluster of buildings. Same as before, it lacked lights. I slowed a little bit, expecting for these men to guide us to our own little cabin where we could start our new life. Upon my abrupt stop the boy slammed into my back. Apparently too entranced with the same set of buildings.
"Keep moving."
We didn't dare protest. The walk went on for too long. I had no way of knowing how far we walked I hazarded a guess of 2 miles. I let the little boy on my left know what I was thinking.  He huffed a laugh. "Doubt it." I frowned momentarily stunned.
"Hey." He was trying to catch my attention.
"Didn't mean to be rude..I'm just tired. And angry. You're angry too." My head turned towards him so fast I'm sure I got whiplash.
"Maybe you don't know it yet. But I can tell. Plus you always get that sad look on your face."
I tried to produce a response. But was left in utter shock. We walked in silence the rest of the way up until we got to a large set of doors.

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