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//Holly's POV//
~2 months later~
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. Today was Thursday. My mom took me out of school and put me in home schooling. We're also moving in 2 weeks. I'm excited but scared at the same time cause Zach lives in L.A. California. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctors to see what the gender of the babies are. I take a shower and change and do my hair and makeup. I head downstairs and smell bacon. "Hey mom" I say hugging her. "Hey sweetie I'm leaving in a few to go to work", she says handing me a plate. I gladly take it and eat. I finish and put my plate in the sink and give my mom a kiss before she leaves. I run up stairs and do some schooling for a few hours. After about 3 hours I grab my purse and my phone with and so e money. I head outside and jump in the car. I put music on and before I know it I'm at the store. I go in and get so the groceries we need. I put the groceries in the car and head home. I pull into !y drive and take the groceries out and go inside the house. I put the groceries away and walk upstairs and see my mom asleep. I go in my room a d get ready for bed.
~Next Morning ~
I wake up to the Sun shining in my window. I'm surprised that I woke up before my alarm clock went off. I get out of bed and walk downstairs. I see that my mom isn't up. I go into the kitchen and get eggs, sausage, and bread. I scramble the eggs and get the sausage. Then I put the bread in the toaster. I grab two plates and two cups and set them on the table. I put the food on the plates and pour orange juice in the cups. I make it look nice them I go upstairs and wake my mom up. "Mom wake up", I say shaking her. "Hang on", she says pushing me. "Alright, I made breakfast by the way", I say smiling. "Ok thanks sweetie", she walking out of the room to go downstairs. We sit down and eat. "Sweetie don't forget you have a doctors appointment today", she say. "Ok thanks for reminding me", I say. "No problem", she say smiling. "Your taking me right", I ask her. "Yes sweetie", she pushing outing her plate in the sink along with mine. "I can't wait I'm so excited to see what the gender of the babies are", I say excited. "I know now go get dressed", she says pushing me up the stairs. I run up the stairs and grab my outfit and connect my phone to the speakers in the bathroom. I jump in the shower sing Bad at Love by Halsey. Once I finish washing my hair I get out and put my underwear and bra on. I slide in my shorts and put my shirt on. I plug in the blow dryer and blow dry my hair. I put my hair up and do my makeup. I them brush my teeth and put my shoes on.
~Outfit ~

 I head downstairs and see my mom ready

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I head downstairs and see my mom ready. "Ready", I say to her. "Well then let's go", she says
~skip to the doctors office ~
We pull in and get out. We walk in and my mom sits down while I sign in. A few minutes later I'm called. We stand up and walk into the room the to me to go to. I lay down and the put the he'll on my belly. We look at the monitor and the doctor says. "Do you want to know the sex of the babies", she say smiling. "Yes please", I say. "The genders if the babies are both girls", she say. "Thanks you", I say before we leave the doctors.
A/n: word count 674

It's Your Baby Too// Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now