Chapter 1

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I walk through the doors of McKinsey High School, completely exhausted from my night of sleep. Well, lack of sleep. These nightmares have gotten worse. My guess, is that they're worse because of the time of year. You see, the date of today is November 14th. Thanksgiving Day is right around the corner. I will have to see him. My uncle, Satan himself. Every year for the past 3 years I have dreaded Thanksgiving Day. I know, I should be happy and grateful on Thanksgiving. But that is kind of hard to accomplish when the man who raped you is asking you to pass the stuffing. No person should be asked to enjoy a meal with someone like that. But I can't blame my family. They don't even know what happened. I should have told them. Sometimes I wonder why I believed him, when he said he would kill them. But then I remember. He abused me and raped me. He would not hesitate to hurt my family too. He's evil.

I walked up to my locker and quickly shoved my books into my locker, trying to avoid conversation with the cheery girl a few lockers down. Every morning she tries to talk to me. She really isn't that bad, I just don't like talking to anyone.

"Goodmorning, Teja! You look beautiful today! I love that sweater!"

Here we go again..

"Thanks, Rebecca. I wear this everyday.." I replied, my head down.

"Oh, well is it your favorite?" She asks, chipper as usual.

"You asked that yesterday. I guess. It's comfortable." I say quietly

"Well, that's great! Hey, my youth group is having a get-to-know-you night, tonight! You should stop by! We love having new people! It's at New Life Christian Church at 7 o'clock pm! It's going to be so fun! We're going to play icebr-"

"I'm eating dinner with my family, sorry. Family night." I declined.

"Oh.." She looked disapointed. Maybe she should stop trying to sprinkle her Christian love all over me. I've given up on God. If He really loved everyone, he would have saved me that night. "Okay, well maybe next time!"

She smiled at me, her blond hair falling in her eyes. She's very pretty. I almost envy her.


I ended the conversation quickly, closing my locker and pushing past her. I headed toward Geometry. Gosh, I hate that class. My dark hair covered my right eye, overgrown and dirty. I tried not to make eye contact with anyone. I like to try to forget where I am. I breathe in slowly, and breathe out, feeling calmer as I focus on my breathing and the sound of only my own footsteps.

Suddenly I bumped into something, hard. I stumbled back and fell flat on my butt. I had just run into an open door. My notebook, pencils, and textbook were sprawled out on the floor beside me.

"Oh, frick! I am so sorry, miss!" A voice apologized as it bent down next to me.

"It's my fault.." I mumbled, refusing to look up at the face who belonged to that voice.

I grabbed my things and stood up quickly, stumbling a bit from dizziness.

An arm helped me regain my balance.

"Well, I'm really sorry." He apologised again.

"It's fine." I said, dismissing him. I walked past him quickly, and thankfully got to class without another incident.

Talk about embarrassing..

I found my seat and sat down quietly, setting my belongings down.

"Goodmorning, class. We've got a lot of work to do today, so let's all open up to page 244 and get started." My teacher said, sounding uninterested as usual.

I opened my textbook and continued to stare down at it, never looking up.

"Let's just get through today." I told myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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