chapter 6

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This is it. My life is new. I didn't even know that this was possible. All the other shifters said that if vampire venom entered your system it would kill you. But it didn't for me. I am now a wolf/vampire hybrid.


6 days ago I was out. Victoria almost killed me. And all I could hear was everyone fighting. I was there for about 6 hours.  And at the end I heard what was going to happen.

"Sam, and the pack, Esme, Carlisle, family I think I know what I should do to save my mate." Alice said

"And what is that? " It was sam, who asked

"I don't know if it will work and it may kill her but, I have to change her. When we get her back to the house of course but once we get there, we can put her on the machine that monitors her heart beat. To make sure she survives"

I could tell everyone looked at her and then at me they all nodded. Emmett and Sam picked my up and walked to the Cullen house as fast as possible.

~30 minutes later~

I was now hooked up to the monitors, all I could hear for the longest time was the beeping.


Than I heard everyone walk in alice in front.  I felt her cold arms against my warm arms.

"I'm goin to do it now. " She said as I felt her  lick my neck then I felt a searing pain as she bit into my neck.

I felt the venom running through my veins. The beeping on the heart rate monitor when the crazy as the venom got closer to my heart.


It was way to fast then it slowed down as my body started to heat up.  It felt worst than it felt when I first shifted into a wolf.

~end of flash back~

I just woke up. I could smell everyone. The vampires still smelled the wolfs smelled normal. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

My skin was a light brown,  my hair was a more black than brown, my muscles where harder and my eyes.  My eyes where a bright red, blue brown mix.

I walked down the stairs silently. I was super stealthy. No one could hear me, but in the last step if the stairs everyone bone looked at me.

I could tell that alice put my in a blue dress.

"Alpha! " The entire pack cheered as alice rushed to me and hugged me.

Isabella Marie SwanWhere stories live. Discover now