Chapter 1

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     Harper pulled her long brown hair
into a ponytail and pulled on a white
romper that contrasted nicely against
her tan skin. Her make-up was done
simply and a pair of white vans were
on her feet. She grabbed her back
pack from its place on the floor by her
door. She threw it over one shoulder
and headed downstairs. "Hi honey,"
her mom said standing at the end of
the stairs.

Looking at her mom was
like looking into the future. Her mom
looked older but they still looked the
same nonetheless. Her mother's hair
was cut to her shoulder and she
dressed formally in button up shirts
and tight skirts that went to her knees
with pumps. She was busy searching
for her keys, that she could never
seem to find, when Harper made it to
the bottom of the stairs. "Hi Mom."
Grabbing a piece of toast from the
counter she took a bite, savoring the
buttery taste. Harper walked to the
table by the door and picked her
mom's keys up out of the little tray
they kept on the table.

"Looking for
these?" Harper asked chuckling. Her
mom turned around and sighed in
releif. "Yes. Thank you honey." Her
mother took the keys from her hand
and grabbed her purse from the
coffee table. "Do you want me to drop
you off at school?" She asked sweetly.
"Nah, I can walk. You're already going
to be late," she said pointing to the
clock. "Shit," her mom mumbled," I
mean shoot," she added quickly.
"Mom you can cuss around me, I'm
not five anymore." "You're right.
Besides you've probably heard, and
said, worse at school with your
friends." "Exactly," she said with a
small smile. They walked out of the
door together and Harper watched as
her mom got in her car. "Have a nice
day honey," she called through the
window. "You too."

     Harper walked down the side walk
listening to her music blaring through
her headphones.

Some girls, feel best in their tiny dresses

Some girls, nothin' but sweatpants, looking like a princess

Some girls, kiss new lips every single night

Their stayin' out late 'cause they just celebrating life

You know some days you feel so good in your own skin

But it's okay if you wanna change the body that you came in

'Cause you look greatest when you feel like a damn queen

We're all just playing a game in a way, trying to win at life

Most girls are smart and strong and beautiful

Most girls work hard, go far, we are unstoppable

She sang out loud, not noticing the boys walking behind her. "Most girls our fight to make everyday." One of her headphones was pulled from her ear and she turned to see who it was. She felt as though she had stopped breathing for a good thirty seconds. He was tall, at least five inches taller than herself, with pushed back black hair, green eyes, a sharp jawline, and broad shoulders. She had the strange urge to see what was underneath the black shirt he was wearing. "Can I help you?" She asked snapping out of her trance. She turned the music off on her phone and pulled her other headphone out. There were three other boys behind the one in front of her but she couldn't seem to take her eyes off of him long enough to even guess what the others looked like. "I was just wondering if it hurt," he asked smoothly. Oh wow. That's the best pick-up line he can think of? Might as well play along since I don't have anything better to do. "Did what hurt?" Harper asked faking confusion. "When you fell from Heaven." The boys behind him chuckled but Harper kept her eyes focused on the boy in front of her, who seemed to suck at pick-up lines. But I guess you don't have to be good at those when you look like a greek god. "No, but I did scrape my knee crawling out of hell," she answered casually. His smile grew even wider and Harper turned to continue walking. She was just about to put her headphones back in when the boy joined her at her side. "I have to admit that was a good one," he said with his hands in his pockets. "It was wasn't it?" She said smugly whilst fiddling with her headphones.

His laughter filled the otherwise silent street. It was loud and deep, making his shoulders rock. She couldn't help but smile along. "Who are you?" She asked, interrupting him from his laughter. "Caleb Burns, totally sexy bad boy here to change your life," he said with a smirk. "Oh really? And how do you plan to change my life?" Harper asked with small smile. "I'm sure you already know the answer to that." His smirk grew wider and he wiggled his eyebrows. She could feel the heat rising to her face but she covered it by saying,"I don't think you could." "Ah, Kitten, that's where you're wrong. All I need is five minutes." "Well," Harper said, the heat returning to her face,"I'm sorry to tell ya' 'hot stuff' but I don't have five minutes. I'm a very busy girl."

They entered on to the school grounds and were immediately surrounded by the chatter of other students. "Hey!" She turned to see her best friend, Adeline, walking her way. She was a bit taller than Harper with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. A total opposite in appearance but exactly the same in personality. "Hi cutie," she said in a flirty voice once she noticed Caleb. Well, almost the same. "What's your name?" "Caleb," he answered giving her a once over. "What? Not gonna give her the same 'life changing' declaration you gave me?" Harper asked with a smirk. "Sorry Kitten, I only give that out once a day," he said with a mischievous smile. "I find that hard to believe," she said mockingly. Adeline gave her a curious look and Harper returned one that meant she would tell her later. "Well," Adeline said breaking the silence,"I'm Adeline, nice to meet you." He gave her a smile and turned back to me. "I didn't get your name," he said. Harper gave him a smirk and said,"You never asked. You were too busy explaining how you planned to change my life." "Well, I'm asking now," he said returning her smirk. "Well, if you want to know my name you'll have to figure it out." She turned and walked off, stopping only long enough to wait for Adeline. "Well, welcome to Rinland High," Adeline said in a chirpy tone before walking away to join Harper. "Well that was something. Care to share?" "At lunch, but right now we need to get to class before we're late. "At lunch," Adeline said in confirmation. They split off in seperate directions, headed for their classes.
Caleb stood in the same spot watching as the girl walked away. Her friend, Adeline, said something that sounded like a welcoming to the school before heading off after her friend. It's not like it would be hard to find out the girl's name but what had him shocked was that she managed to resist his charms. Not to sound egotistical, even though he was, but most girls would have been weak at the knees with one smile. He had never had a girl make him work for it before but for some reason the thought of a challenge was exciting him.

Maybe this time the mission would be just as fun as the reward. Caleb turned away from the school, he had more important things to do. The girls had retreated into the school along with everyone else. The bell rang just as he stepped off school grounds. His phone buzzed and he pulled it from his pocket to see a message from one of the boys he had been with earlier.

The package is ready for pick up. 212 Steen R.d.

He pocketed his phone after sending back a quick 'okay' and headed for his apartment. He'd need his car to carry the package and the address was quite far from the school, in the bad part of town. He walked farther from the school. He should have been thinking about the package, the boys, anything really, but his mind couldn't seem to focus on anything but one thought.

Hiya guys! I hope you enjoyed chapter one. I know I introduced them to eachother quite early but I promise things are going to be getting a lot more exciting. What do you think the package is?
Love ya angels~Kelly

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