Chapter Five - Nobody Knew

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Author's Note: Alright, heeey my wonderful readers.

You're probably like - SHE SAID SHE WASN'T GONNA POST, SHE LIED. 

WELL, I had two hours to spare - we got back to the hotel early! SO I'm WRITING!

Last chapter... Not very many people were happy with the cliffie. BUT UNDERSTAND, it creates drama, and sometimes I need to use them to keep ya reading... 

... which brings me to my next topic to talk about! On Friday night I posted the chapter, and by tonight, the story reached 3,000 views. 

I HAD 2,000 FRIDAY NIGHT! Than means in a day, I got 1,000 reads! That's CRAZY!

So anyway, comment goes to: onedirectionlove989! And she said: "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH! That WAS the worst possible cliffhanger. As soon as you Niall said, "You really hurt him" My brain could barely keep up with how fast I was reading to find out what the heck he was talking about! This is soo dang good. I'll be checking for updates, everyday even though you said you wont post for a few days. Cuz I'm a spaz like that. Anyways, really really love this! And I like how you update fairly quickly, I hate waiting a week for a chapter. But praise you women for writing this! You inspire me! Keep up the amazing work! :) xxxx <3" 

And to that I say: It WAS the worst possible cliffhanger, I'm sorry. And I'm glad you've been enjoying my story, thank you so much! And I try to update as quickly as I can, I know how it is waiting and waiting for updates. Overall, thank you love! x

Other comments that made me smile came from BowTieFreshChalupa, 1DSweetheart, and harley33. x

ALSO - this chapter DOES have a dedication, to BlondieIrishRainbows. My message to you is that I'm SUPER sorry that you're going to camp for three weeks and you won't be able to read and are stuck with the awful cliffhanger. :( I feel awful! I will try to make the next chapters extra good for you to read when you get back! So this is for you girl!

Now on to the story!

Oh yeah... So there might be a point of view change.... Look out. ;) x

Sidebar - Ed Sheeran, Cold Coffee. because I love this song.

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"I did NOT break up with Zayn."

It didn't matter how many times I said it; Niall just shook his head, his light blue eyes clouding over with every shake. "No, Zayn told us. Right when he was about to date Rebecca. He didn't lie, he didn't."

"Yes he did, Niall," I squeaked softly, trying to keep my breathing in control. I felt disgusted - he hadn't told the truth? He made it look like I ended the relationship that I cared about more than any other in my whole life? It made me sick.

Suddenly Niall looked up at me, serious. His mouth was set in a frown and eyebrows crinkled. "You promise?"

"Promise," I whispered.

"Why would Zayn lie? I mean, he could have told us he broke up with you -"

"But he didn't," I said slowly.

Niall's head shot up. "What?"

"He..." I took a deep breath. "He never did, you know, break up with me."

"What?" Niall said again, looking even more shocked. "What did he do!? Just stop calling, send your things in a box and go-"


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