0.3 so called team bonding

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❝You know, I think you'll be a great addition to this team.

We really needed some more experienced players,

and you're on of the best we could've got.

"Why thank you, Eichel. I'm glad to be joining this team." Emilia said while seating herself in the passenger seat of Jacks car.

"So we're going with last names eh Thompson?" Jack said while starting his car.

"You did not just say eh!" She scoffed turning to look at him.

"Maybe I did." He said shrugging.

"But you're not Canadian." Emilia stated to the American ice hockey player.

"Yeah so?" Jack said while leaving the Airport parking lot.

"You're not Con—"

"Don't you dare say it!" He said trying to act serious.

"Alright fine I guess I won't say it." She said rolling her eyes.

"So on to another topic. We have a team group chat that we talk in all the time. Do you want to be apart of it?" Jack asked.

"I mean I guess but I'm not officially on the team yet. It's just the preseason." Emilia replied while taking in her surroundings.

"No need to be so negative on yourself but just give your number and I can add you later tonight." He simply stated, "Oh and we're about 5 minutes from the hotel. Just to warn you no ones going to he at the hotel for now, so you'll have some time to yourself."

"Why does the whole team stay in a hotel when most of you live in Buffalo?" She asked.

"Coach says it helps with team bonding and I guess it does." Jack replied while pulling into a parking lot of what Emilia assumed was the hotel.

"So for the next 5 or so days the teams expected to just endure some team bonding?" She asked another question once again.

"Yeah I guess so." He stated.

Emilia was granted a hotel room just to herself while the others shared with a significant teammate. She knew it was because of being a girl and she respected that, but her thoughts were immediately interrupted from a nonstop pounding.

The moment she had opened the door, her eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. There stood a whole team of boys that had been anticipating to meet her all day.

"I told them to just wait for tomorrow but as you can see they couldn't." Jack spoke up from the back of the group.

"Wow uh there's a lot of you." Emilia practically whispered to herself.

"Sorry its just ever since the draft and finding out you were officially on the team we couldn't wait to meet you." A young blonde eventually said.

"We can come back tomorrow if you want. It is kind've late." Another said.

"Well you're all here now. Why wait?" She said with high hopes.

"There's a bar downstairs. Why don't we do some, oh so lovely, team bonding that coach wants us to do." The same young blonde suggested.

"Okay lets go down now." Emilia stated while grabbing her phone and wallet from a nearby table in her room. Just by her response and actions the whole team looked at her confused.

"What?" She asked watching their reaction.

"It's just we figured it would take you at least an hour to get ready since you're a girl." Someone far in the back of group said as the rest nodded their heads.

"And that boys is where you're wrong."

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