0.17 the fab five

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❝We are the fab five of New York.

"But what about Alex?" Jack asked while him, Emilia, Brady, Jimmy, and Mathew all walked down to times square.

"Is he here right now?" Emilia countered as Jack shook his head no, "then why should he be apart of the fab five."

"She has a point." Brady stated, "he was invited and decided not to tag along, so it's his loss not ours."

"Aye that's the spirit Skjei!" Emilia shouted as she lightly patted him on the back.

"So where are we going again?" Mathew questioned as he took in his surroundings.

"Some place called Havana Central. No clue what it is, but Henrik suggested it so that's where we are going." Jimmy replied.

"There's so many puddles!" Emilia shouted trying not to step in any of them as they walked down a street, "Why did it have to rain for three days straight?"

"You're asking the wrong person. Do I look like mother nature?" Jack sassed.

"No but you need to shave." Mathew stated.

"Yeah you look like a pedo." Emilia laughed as she dodged another puddle.

"Hey!" Jack yelled pointing his finger at Mathew, "I very much appreciate my facial hair and I d—"

"Oh My God!" Emilia yelled as a car came speeding by, splashing a large puddle, that was on the road, all over her.

"What?" All of the boys asked but were knocked speechless as they noticed Emilia glaring at them while she was soaked in water. They soon busted out in laughter as she continued to glare at them.

"This isn't funny!" She yelled.

"Yeah—it kind've is." Brady said in between laughs.

"Y-you look l-like a wet dog." Jack stated as he basically doubled over in laughter.

"Gosh I hate all of you! Now I need to go home and change." Emilia pouted as she turned the opposite way to walk back to her apartment.

"So you're saying we walked all the way here for nothing?" Jimmy asked.

"Perhaps." Emilia yelled behind her shoulder. All the boys just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as they decided to follow her.

❝I cant believe none of us took a
picture of Emilia from earlier.

"I'm glad none of you did or I would have beat all of your asses." Emilia said as she set three bowls of popcorn down in front of the boys.

"But we could've used it to remember this night."

"Yes but—" Emilia said trying to continue, but for the first time tonight she had no snarky remark to counter back with.

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