Chapter Three

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The next thing Vincent knew he was in a large meeting room. He sat down before a massive table that held 13 chairs behind it. Each chair had a symbol elaborately carved into the table in the front. Someone with an armband with the sign of Virgo on it was using their powers over Vincent. It was making him feel better. He was sure they were healing him.

Evans stood next to Vincent. All the chairs were filled except the 11th one. The 12 others stared at Vincent.

"Where do we even begin?" one of the older men said from the fourth chair. Vincent's mind raced with how they were set up. He figured because Evans probably belonged in the 11th chair by the symbol, that the man talking was a Taurus. His symbol looked like a bull.

"I didn't know it would cause him to be separated from me," Evans tried to explain. All the others simply shook their head. Evans was the youngest out of all of them.

"He attracts Aspected!" the woman in the second chair shouted. Her symbol looked like an H. She had to be a Pisces.

"You could have gotten him killed!" the man in the eighth chair. A Virgo, just like the woman healing Vincent.

Evans remained quiet. Vincent could tell he probably didn't want to jeopardize his position as head Sagittarius teacher. The other head teachers continued to yell at him, all except the man in the 13th chair. He simply stared menacingly at Vincent, making him feel uncomfortable. He didn't know anything about the Ophiuchus Zodiac. He decided to try and stop the shouting.

"I saw my constellation," Vincent said, trying to sound as confident as possible.

The entire room went quiet. They all stared at Vincent. Even Evans seemed shocked. "What did you say, boy?" the Taurus Head asked.

"When Evans used that device to get us here. I saw a 6-pointed star constellation. It's name is Celestic."

The room started to fill with murmurs to each other about the name. "That's an interesting theory, Vincent Wolfe," the Ophiuchus man spoke out. "We would need to give this new information to our scholars in the observatory to confirm."

The rest of the room nodded. "Let this be a warning Evans. As a head teacher, you should not be so reckless with new students, especially one of a new Zodiac," the Pisces woman said.

Evans nodded. The room was quiet for a second until the Capricorn man stood up and said, "Sorry for such an introduction, Vincent. We all welcome you to Apsis Academy."

The Libra head teacher stood up as well. She added, "Yes, welcome! We look forward to teaching you about being a Signed, as well as learning much about your Zodiac!"

All the other heads gave a welcome to Vincent. They explained how classes would start tomorrow and he would have a schedule waiting in his room, along with any supplies he may need. The head teachers also explained how they would send some Scouts and Hunters to retrieve his suitcases from the forest. For now, he had several spare of everything he would need in the room.

"Evans, you can show Vincent to his hall right?" the Virgo head asked.

"Of course," Evans agreed.

After all the heads told everything about his welcome, Evans led Vincent out of the room. "I do apologize sincerely for putting you in danger like that," Evans said almost as soon as they were out of the room.

Vincent shrugged. "I don't blame you. You were confident in thinking we'd get to wherever that device needed us to get, and I believed that. Could be something with my Zodiac."

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