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The next morning was surprisingly peaceful compared to the eventful day that had occured a mere few hours ago. Dan was awake, fidgeting with his fingers. He sat up on the couch, Arin lay on the floor. There was something he needed to say, still. But he didn't know how he was going to announce it.

Out of the blue? Should he build up to it? How would Arin respond? Especially after what happened last night. Either way, Danny needed to tell him the truth. Despite being a mere delusion, he still hurt at the knowledge of Arin living in a daydream. This isn't what he wanted.

He sighed and tried to bring his mind to some sort of other thought. What was going to be for breakfast. How the weather will be like. Something.

The male stood up and quietly made his way around the house. He needed to move.

“God. Why did I let him do this?” He whispered and ran his hand through the untamed locks of curly hair to keep it from blocking his sight. Despite how hard this may be, he can't let Arin live like this.

Speaking of which, the other had finally awoken. A loud yawn filled the silence of the house. “Hey Dan; what are you doing up already?” His voice was hoarse from having just woken up. Already a smile was burned on his face.

Danny simply tried to match the same expression. “Ah, I just woke up too.” He stretched and walked towards his companion. “You know, I never got to say what I wanted to last night.” This is it then. He was ready.

“Oh, right! Go ahead.” Arin sat up and crossed his legs. He looked up at him and his heart picked up speed. But he was either used to the feeling, or far too tired to even notice it.

“So, uh...you know how everyone keeps saying I'm not real, right?” Dan noticed Arin cringe, but in response he nodded. “I know you strongly believe they're wrong — and I understand why! But I-I'm not.” Dan cringed as well, though at his own way of saying things. His dark brown eyes met up with Arin's.

“Jesus. This early in the morning and you're already trying to tease me.” He chuckled and stood up. He didn't think Dan was genuine.

“I'm not joking. I'm completely fake. I have been—!”

“Dan, seriously. Stop.”

“Arin. I'm a delusion! Why don't you think nobody else can hear me, see me? Your imagination took over, and I'm...I'm sorry.”  Without realizing it, he started to tear up.

They're wrong. I can see you just fine, and everyone else can too! They just don't know how to react to see you aren't dead!”

Arin! You have to snap out of this state you're in! I'm so sorry for putting you in this fake world, but I'm trying to get you out of it! Just...believe me.”

“I have been believing you. You're the only one I trusted. And now you're saying this, this bullshit!” Arin's eyebrows furrowed in irritation. They've never had a fight like this. And despite how well he was hiding it, it felt horrible.

“You are real. Barry, Ross, Suzy; they're real. I'm not, Arin. And I'm putting your mind in danger by saying I am! You need to get out of your head and face the facts!” Danny took a step back. “I've always loved you, Arin. Even when I was alive. And now that you love me...it just made me realize that I can't keep you in this illusion.”

A few tears slipped down Arin's cheeks. “I love you too, Dan. But I can't believe you're lying to me about this.”

“Arin.” His eyes were still glossy, and he felt like he could start crying at any moment. But his voice sounded stern. “Follow me. Get your keys. You're driving.” And without another word, he walked out the front door.

Arin hesitated to follow such demands. But what other choice did he have besides let Dan get away?

He grabbed his keys and walked outside. The birds outside were singing, the white clouds danced in the sky. The beautiful day seemed like it was taunting Arin for having such a bad start. He just hoped where they were going would lead to something better.

The pair got inside the car. They looked at each other; both had a few tears on their faces. That was when Arin realized that this was really happening. This wasn't some sort of prank.

“You lead the way.” He spoke quietly and in a tone that announced his defeat.

“Take a right once we're at the end of this street.” He instructed. And from there, he led him to the proper direction. After a while, the scenery began to look familiar. There was a chance he's been here before. But he couldn't remember when.

Besides the occasional command of where to turn, they were completely silent. They were thinking a lot on the matter.

Arin felt betrayed. He didn't know why or by who, he simply felt hurt. Not a single positive emotion flooded his body.

Dan felt scared for what was to come next. If only he could plan each event out like you could in a story. But that wasn't going to happen. It was like a randomizer determined their lives.

“This is the parking lot. Turn here.”

Arin knew where they arrived. And he already began to feel queasy. But he trusted Dan, and would follow him to the ends of the Earth.

He turned off the car and paused his movements. Neither looked like they were ready to get out of the car. Not just yet.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“You need to figure it out. You deserve the friends you have. And you're about to lose them all because of...me.” Danny answered.

Arin sighed and glanced down at his own hand. “Just go ahead. I'll catch up to you.”

Danny opened his car door and got out. Not even a moment later, he opened the door for Arin and held out his hand.

“We're going together.”

“I love you so much, Danny.”

“I love you too.”

And with those words, Arin freed himself from his buckle and stood outside beside Dan. He closed the door, then took hold of his companion's hand.

“Are you ready to go, Ar?”

“Yeah. I think I am.”

And so, the two walked to the main gate that brought them inside the cemetery.

you're gone, and yet you're here. || egobangWhere stories live. Discover now