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The next morning approached quickly. Sunlight burst through the windshield and on to the pale faces that belonged to the two males. Arin, was sleeping on the driver's seat. His legs were spread out and his head lay back. Whereas Danny was on his side, his legs close to his chest.

It was as if neither of them had slept in ages, for they didn't wake up until nearly noon. Well, Arin woke up. It took a few more minutes for Dan to awaken.

Arin leaned forward and rested his chin on the steering wheel. He looked out at the sand before them and let his thoughts take over. It didn't take long for the memory of last night to make its appearance. And God, he genuinely wished it would just hide.

His chocolate brown eyes glanced to his companion to find he was doing the same thing. Though instead, he leaned backward into his seat. His curly brown locks were an absolute mess; they covered nearly half his face.

“Morning, sleepyhead.” Arin greeted with a smile. It didn't seem less genuine than usual, but it also didn't come from joy. It was more or less awkward or timid. He might as well have "HAVING REGRETS ABOUT LAST NIGHT" written on his black T-shirt.

“Morning, Arin.” Dan smiled back with a similar expression. “What's the plan for today?” He rubbed the traces of sleep from his eyes.

“Well,” Arin began, “I think we should head back home. Check on the others, y'know? After breakfast, of course.”

“Ooh, breakfast sounds amazing. I'm starving.”

Perhaps this morning wouldn't be as awkward as they had thought. Everything was running smoothly so far, and it felt nice. It was as if the previous night had never happened. And Arin was grateful for it. However, Danny couldn't get it out of his thoughts. And Arin could tell that he was contemplating about it.

He adjusted the seat, then started up the car. They left for the road to find whatever place that could feed them. Nothing too fancy, of course. Arin was just lucky to have brought his wallet.

“Think of something for yourself now. It's best to have something in mind before we get there.” Dan spoke, but just so he could fill the tension between the two. There was something humid, and he wanted no part of it.

“I guess that's a good way to go about things, huh?” He chuckled and continued to drive.

Assuming the two wouldn't speak for a while longer, Danny turned on the radio. It took a few seconds to process what song was playing. But once the realization kicked in, he instantly shut it off.

“Wasn't that the song we heard last night?” Why did you have to mention it, Arin? You fucking dumbass-

“Yeah, I think it was. I'm just not that big of a fan of Ed Sheeran.”

They didn't speak again until the car stopped in the parking lot. It didn't take too long to find a cozy diner that looked rather empty. That made sense, however. After all, it was a weekday. There were lots of people at work, surely.

Work. Something Arin hasn't done in a while. Suzy had taken up a part-time position to support the two, though that wasn't the best. The money they earned from their previous gaming show, Game Grumps, was the main source that kept them under a shelter. And of course, Suzy's jewelery sold plenty. Mainly from fans who were trying to support them in any way possible.

Dan and Arin moved inside the small building. The smell of eggs and bacon instantly hit them at once. It was a homely atmosphere that the Jewish male simply couldn't get enough of.

They sat down in a booth and awaited an employee to greet them with menus.

“We should go here more often.” Danny commented.

“It's hours away from here.”

“Pssh, it's totally worth it.”

“We'll see if the food is any good, first.”

Soon enough, a young woman who appeared to be in her early twenties approached the pair. “What can I get you, sir?”

Arin ignored the greeting and simply assumed she didn't notice Danny in the opposite side of the booth.

“I'll have the eggs and toast, and my friend here will get...” he paused until the other responded with his order. “french toast and eggs.”

The waitress looked at Arin with a puzzled expression, but wrote the orders down anyways. She didn't want to bother with the subject that there was only one person in that seat. Perhaps he left to the bathroom or something.

“And drinks?”

“Orange juice and water, thank you.”

And with that, the employee left.

“So, uh.” Dan stood up straight, his facial expression demonstrating a serious tone.

“Why didn't we kiss last night?” It almost sounded as though it were blurted out. Arin was afraid the other customers heard his friend say such a thing.

“I just...” Why did he have to mention it now? “I didn't think the time was right. That's all. Besides, I have Suzy.”

Danny looked down at the table. He had completely forgotten that Arin had a spouse. They've been married for years. They were the number one couple.

“Oh, right. Sorry I asked.”

Welcome back, to your awkward conversation program. Here, we have two dudes who don't know how to fucking ta-

Arin snapped away from his thoughts and suddenly stood up.

“I'm going to the restroom.”

And with that, he left. He didn't wait for what Dan wanted to say. He hurried down a small hallway, two doors opposite of each other at the end of it. He walked inside one of the rooms and made his way to the sink.

Arin looked at himself in the mirror.

“You need to get a grip, dude. He's your friend, that's it. You were smart to not kiss him.”

“You sure about that?” A voice replied, coming from one of the stalls.

The sudden response made him jump, startled. Perhaps he shouldn't have spoke aloud. Or at least checked to see if anyone was inside.

“What do you mean?” Arin questioned, wondering if he could learn something from this stranger.

He heard a toilet flush, then the male left the stall. He quickly met eyes with Arin and walked towards the sink next to him.

“Well, we tend to regrets the chances we don't take. That's how the quote goes, right? I think you should've kissed this guy you're talking about. Maybe then you could have at least gotten some closure.” He started to rinse his hands under the cold water.

“I have a wife.”

The stranger paused for a brief moment.

“You have more feelings for this guy than you think. Especially if your wife is the first thing that came to mind and not something like...'he won't like me back.'”

Damn. This guy was good.

“I know it's an extreme idea, but...maybe you need to leave her. You can't be stuck in a relationship if you're in love with someone else.” He turned off the faucet and started to walk away, shaking his hands as he moved.

Arin was left speechless. A lot of information and realization hit him at once. He needed a bit of time to process everything and truly think.

“Just think about it is all I'm saying. I wish you luck, dude.” The stranger grabbed a paper towel, dried his hands, then left.

“Is this really what I have to do?”


Sorry for the lame chapter. I can assure you that there will be more drama tho 👌

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