Her Soft Smile [Edited]

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Ray's POV

"Hi name's Ray it's nice to meet you."

She shook my hand with a timid smile but I could hear a small chuckle.

"So would you like help with unpacking? Or maybe I could get you some food... I mean I owe you since I broke your dishes."

I said as I scratch the back of my head. I couldn't help but look intensely at her beautiful long strawberry red hair and her fair skin. Hints of little freckles popped up on her arms and face. Her dainty physique up to her sweet face she was abosulty the most beautiful neighbor I have ever had through out the 4 years I've lived here. As i admired her beautiful appearance she shyly looked down and said softly to me

"it's quite alright you don't need to repay me and those were just the left over dishes I couldn't fit in. They were mainly for if I had guests... but really it's nothing."

I shifted a little in disappointment but decided I would go and grab us take out as I helped her unpack anyway.

"Do you like Chinese? There's a panda express about 10minutes from here. I'm going to get us some panda express and then we can unpack your stuff and get you settled in."

I say as I began walking away now yelling down the stairwell. Faith just stood staring down at her with a small smiling and laughing as she went to work on unpacking.

Faith's POV

A couple hours after unpacking all my junk and placing my Ikea furniture boxes in there general spots. I say down on one of the short stools I pulled out and began to eat my Chinese that Ray insisted on getting. There we sat eating and laughing throwing our kungpow and egg rolls at eachother. Ray went to go and take care of the mess as I started to make my bed. And I couldn't help but glance seeing her bent over smiling and laughing at the mess we made. The way she laughed it made my heart race and my cheeks red as I couldn't help but laugh with her. While I was finishing the bed Ray came up behind me and covered my eyes with her hands I could feel her getting closer as her breath got stronger. My heart beating hard against my chest i just froze her mouth opened and she whispered softly into my ear

"I had a great night..."

smiling as she backed away and left I was ago frozen with beat red cheeks. My heart kept on beating like a drum until I realized that I needed to work tomorrow.

Early Monday morning i woke with a messy house and a huge list to do only i have to work from 7:00 am- 9:00 pm.

"What a pain moving is"

I mumbled as i stumbled to the bathroom to get ready. A quick shower and some toast on the way out should get me to work not too late. 6:45 am and I'm racing against the clock now with horrible traffic and stupid drivers almost killing everyone and me on the road. I arrived 25 minutes late to work and got scolded by my boss even though there was a huge accident on Cherry Rd. and Hollow St. Two cars had a head in collision it was horrifying and the clean up took forever so many people trying to find another route cutting one another off causing more problems and a possible second accident. Now i must work on the art concepts that were thrown at me the minute i stepped into the office. Of course the jerk of a boss I have gave me grief for not getting to it right away even though he spent 10 minutes yelling at me for being late.

"Ass hat... Not like i created the accident... oh well can't dwell on my jerk of a boss. I wonder how Ray is?"

Wait a minute why am I thinking about Ray? I barely know her not like we bonded, right? I mean she's nice and funny I don't blame her for my dishes that was a mere accident beside I would have most likely broke them on my way up anyway. Whatever I need to work I don't have time to ponder these thoughts.

Ray's POV

"Aye Barb you coming back for another? how can you afford all these tattoos?"

Ray said as she was bringing in supplies from the back of Tattoo Parlor.

"Yeah I'm adding to my sleeve thought I would get a rose with thorns spreading out and maybe make a design for the thorns. Any how are you Ray you seem extra happy today."

Barb said as she sat down showing the tattoo artist Jerry her design for the rose. Barb was a regular and she was one of Ray's closes friends her hair was dark brown but the tips were dyed blue. Her hair was curly and wavy it was straight during the winter but during summer it's super frizzy. She and i have known eachother since highschool and have always had one another's back. Her skin was tan and she was rather fit she goes to the gym every evening and eats semi healthy minus the alcohol. I've always been taller than her until she hit her growth spurt in 9th grade she's only 2 inches taller...anyway enough backstory on my weird ass childhood. I looked at her a little confused and asked

"You think so? I guess you could say I met someone."

Barb paused Jerry before he began the process and she walked over to me. She looked me dead in the eyes and said

"You met someone? Who is she what's her name I need details now. How did you meet? Where did you meet? What is her..." I stopped her mid question and leaned in quietly saying

"She's my neighbor and we are just neighbors. Got that Barb?"

Barb's face turned to a frown of disappointment but let it go and went back to Jerry. Finally 6:00 pm end of my shift and I can go home and chill. Maybe I'll have a cold beer and finish The 100th...nah I'll just binge Simpson's again. It's pretty late I wonder if Faith is home? Should I go and check...no that's creepy. Well maybe popping in won't hurt... ah I don't know. As i was debating on going over someone knocks on my door. When I answered it to my surprise it was Faith struggling to get into her apartment. She wobble and stumbled trying to stay standing I reached out to catch her, i slowly brought her closer to me she snuggled up against my chest and closed her eyes. I pick up her legs and carried her to the couch laying her down to rest as I make her some tea and salt teen crackers. That night she needed to recover from wherever she came from. 

(Hey guys it's Clo so this chapter I tried to make it longer and I'm sorry that I'm not whipping these out super fast. Please be patient and wait for chapter three the story is just starting to kick up. Thanks again and enjoy the story.)

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