Chapter 20

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Hayes and I sat around longer than I had expected. It came to the point where I felt like my legs were about to be chopped off from the numbness. "Do you ever wonder that?" Hayes asked as he stared up at the blank ceiling from the floor. "Wonder what?"
"Wonder why you even started hanging out with me"
"Didn't we talk about this many times already?"
"Yeah, but, I'm just wondering. What if we never talked? What if I just left right now and never came back into your life? What if I just disappeared? What if none of this happened. Then what? You probably never would've fallen in love with me." I felt my insides do a loop. "I never fell in love with you"
"Of course you didn't" Hayes sarcastically replied.
"I swear! I just-"
"Gained feelings." My expression faded off of my face as I blankly stared at Hayes. "Is that a bad thing?"
"Is what a bad thing?"
"That I'm actually talking and hanging out with you?"
"No it's not bad. It's just-"
"I've already gotten a tattoo because of you, what's next? You get me pregnant and you leave my life like-"
"I would never hurt you like that."
"Then why are you suddenly talking about leaving me?"
"It just occurred to me."
"Look," Hayes said as he got up to his knees and came closer towards me. "Id never leave you. And if I did, I would always love you."
"You throw the word love around like it doesn't mean a thing."
"I don't throw you around but you mean everything to me." Hayes said as he gazed at my lips then met my eyes. I scoffed. "Are you sure you're a bad boy?"
Hayes pouted with his lips. "Possibly." He said with sarcasm
"Are you sure you're in love with me?" I asked
"Are you sure you don't love crystal?"
"Absolutely not."
"What about Jessica?"
"Any other girl?"
"What about-?" Hayes brought his plump lips to mine unexpectedly and I felt my body jump. After a few seconds he pulled back but his face was still close to mine that I could still see into his blue eyes that made my heart feel sober.
"Whatever it is you were about to ask, the answer is no." He whispered, I could feel his breath on the side of my cheek. It felt like my cheek was burning and was blotchy red. I smirked at him. "Well, I was about to ask you if you were willing to have sex but you know, since you said no-" I said with full on sarcasm.
"I'm down for that!" Hayes said with excitement and what smelled like sarcasm. I rolled my eyes. "You are-"
"Dinner!" My mom's voice called from downstairs. My body tingled as the thought of seeing my father again and actually sitting down to have dinner with him sent chills to my spine. "Race ya" Hayes said as he got up and was ready to bolt out the door. "What are you? 5?" I asked as I sent him a foul look of disapproval. "Yeah, 5 inches long." He smirked at me with his innuendo pun.
"That's not long."
"True. It was your estimation. Not mine."
"You're probably like 3 inches" I hissed
"Nope. Wanna find out?" His eyebrows did a little dance. "You're gross."
"I know."

When we arrived at the bottom of the stairs my mom had carefully set up the dinner table. Which was very unusual. She was never good at culinary arts nor did she put a lot of time into dinner, normally we would just order pizza or some Chinese food. But no, not tonight. The table was covered with the fancy cloth that we used only when family came over. Some little candles at the center and the utensils and fancy plates were set up as well. My mom came out the kitchen with the man who was supposedly my father. She had a steaming pot of food in one hand and she placed it at the center of the table before sighing and staring up at me. My mom had gotten fancied up as well, it caught me by surprise she never dressed up. She was usually in her sweats all day long as soon as she got home from work or whenever she had a day off. "Have a seat" she said to Hayes and I. My mother sat beside my father, who was already supplying his plate with food. I sat down and watched Hayes hesitate before having a seat next to me.

The few minutes into dinner were filled with an awkward silence. The only people who talked in between bites were my mother and father. She asked him things like 'do you like what I cooked?' Or 'how is work?' The normal stuff a wife would ask her husband once he returned home from work. But no, this husband abandoned us and returned home after years of not existing through my eyes. "Now I'm pretty sure why you're wondering why your father came come" my mom said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. I swallowed my last bite and took a long sip of water. "Yeah. And I'm curious to why you consider this man my father even though he left us..." I mumbled.
"Stop that!" My mother called as her hands hit heavily at the table. My fathers eyes glanced at my mother and back at me. Hayes chewed his food slowly as he eyed me down. "That is no way to talk to your father!" My mom exclaimed.
"Hun, it's fine." My father said.
"No, Robert, it's not." My mother replied back to my father. So I guess his name was Robert.
"Just let me explain," he said as he placed his hand over my mothers hand gently. He looked at her and I could hear my mother's heart beating. She nodded her head at him and he looked back at me. Hayes sat silently as he was unaware of where to look. "I'm sorry that I left when you and your sister at a young age. I wasn't ready to be a father at that time. But now, I am. So here I am. And I hope you can forgive me and let me back into your life." My father said clearly as he directed his eye contact with me.
"I suppose..." I said not sure of what to reply with.
"Do you know how much I've missed you, your sister and your mother?" He said. I glanced at Hayes and he was quiet and gazing at the walls of the kitchen as his fingers started fumbling against each other. "Your father here, said he wanted us to move to New York with him" my mother said and I felt my ears ringing. My eye sight sharpened as I traded glances between my parents.
"Us? New York?!" I said
"It's not clarified yet, but We're-"
"You've got to be kidding me!"
"Look, hon, I know you're upset but there's some really good colleges there where you could also attend. Possibly even get a good kick off to your writing career" my mother explained clearly
"You've written again?" My father asked.
"How'd you know I've written before?"
"Your mother told me." I bit the inside of my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming. Now that he was back, I no longer wanted him back. I wanted him gone. We were doing perfectly fine without him and my mother was making a stupid decision of letting him back in when he could possibly hurt her again so easily.
"like I said, we're still thinking about it. So don't be upset with us." My mother said. I sighed loudly. "Fine." The dinner table got quiet again as the sound of utensils brought us together. "So Hayes, are you two a thing now?" My mother asked out of the blue. Hayes was drinking water so I could hear his loud gulp or choke that was happening to him. "Um-" Hayes said
"Mom! Stop."
"I'm just asking. So are you?"
"I guess you could say that." I replied.
"Oh, so know her uncle is a cop right?"
"Mom!" I whined
"Kidding. But really, Grier, don't hurt her. Okay?"
"No ma'am. I-I won't." Hayes stuttered.
"God mom, you're such an embarrassment..." I mumbled to myself as I looked down at my empty plate.

After dinner I went up to my room. Hayes had stayed back to help clear the table and help my mother and father with the dishes, which, I was both surprised by. Even from my room I could hear the laughter coming from downstairs and constant conversation between Hayes and my parents like they were discussing something important. I was sitting on my bed writing when Hayes came bursting through my bedroom door, sighing and plotting himself down onto my bed which caused it to shake a little. "Bad boy offers to help clear the table and do the dishes?" I said with a smile.
"Hey, I had to win over your parents somehow"
"Oh really? And what were you guys talking about?"
"Ooh," Hayes said in a musical tone "nothing."
"No! You're lying! Now spill"
"It was nothing."
"It was something! Now-"
"What're you writing?" Hayes zipped over to get my notebook from my hands but I quickly pulled away and stuffed in under the covers where he wouldn't be able to reach it.
"C'mon show me."
"Why should I?"
"Well maybe-"
"Honey! Your father and I will be going out!" My mother yelled from downstairs. I checked the time and it read 11 pm. I sprinted down the stairs and I could hear hayes following behind me. I stopped at the bottom of the steps.
"Where are you two going? It's 11 pm." I said, sounding more like my mother.
She giggled. "No where specifically, going to meet up with some old friends." She replied before slipping her coat on and my father opening the front door like a proper gentleman.
"Be back by curfew!" I joked. My mom shook her head before stepping out the doorway. "Wait! Mom! What about Hayes?! Aren't you going to kick him out?!" I joked again. Boy was I on fire tonight. "Hey!" Hayes pleaded as he gently nudged me. "I'm serious mom! Aren't you going to kick out this boy because it's already 11 pm and you guys will be out of the house??!"
"No," my mom said with a smirk. She stared back at Hayes. "Remember what I told you hayes." She said. "Yup." Hayes replied, and with that, my mother and father shut the door leaving the house completely silent besides Hayes and I.
"What did she tell you??" I asked.
"She told me that we should probably start getting to work on having grandkids" Hayes smirked.
"'re disgusting" I mumbled before running up the steps.

I got ready for bed and did what I normally did every night. Trying to ignore Hayes. He had been bringing up the most useless and stupidest things that popped into his mind. I was about to slip beneath the covers to sleep when Hayes had stopped me.
"Where am I sleeping?" He asked
"On the floor."
"Are you serious?"
"Does it look like I'm kidding?"
"You're cruel."
"And you drool." I said before making a face. I turned off the lights and drifted off to sleep.

Some time during the night I felt my eyes flutter open and not know why. I was about to fall asleep again when I felt a body lift the covers and slip beneath mine. I peeked at the floor and notice Hayes wasn't there. I turned around and faced hayes's built body. Feeling his muscles and bottom abs. I shook my head and scoffed at the thought of how he snuck in my bed thinking I wouldn't realize it. "I told you I don't drool." Hayes said raspy before falling asleep. I smiled to myself. A little late there grier,

A little late.

Hayes grier fanfic: Because Of HimWhere stories live. Discover now