Chapter Seven

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Day 279

We shuffle into the Elite's gated community slowly, not sure what we're getting ourselves into.

It's very big here, and the people who inhabit it are even bigger. Each person I see is in the prime of their life, and seems to be very VERY well fed.

"Cal..." I whisper to the boy. "I don't see any other kids around here. Do you?"

Cal shakes his head quickly. "Nope. Just big people." I nod taking in my surroundings.

I see the phrase 'Survival of the Fittest' written several times in spray paint over the buildings and walls here. As well as the sentence, 'Only the Elite Survive.' I visibly gulp.

I'm becoming more and more aware of the Elites looking at us. They look at us hungrily, and occasionally bring up dinner.

The Elites that brought us here are whispering to each other while stealing glances at me and Cal. One of them, a tall lanky forty-something year-old, comes behind me and caresses my cheek.

"Hello darling. You're very pretty." He slurs into my ear. His face is so close the stubble on his cheeks grind against mine like sandpaper, and his putrid breath infects my air.

"Marcus leave her alone. She's pretty, but way too pretty for you, and far too young at that." Adds another man.

The man near my face laughs a throaty chuckle and says, "Yeah, but that's how I like mine. Young and dainty. Looks innocent enough, what do you say Lucas? Think she's still a virgin?"

Both the men snicker and the one named Lucas says, "I don't know, but if Luther lets us maybe we can have her before dinner."

They laugh some more, making me shudder in my spot. What do I do? How can I get out of this?

The man named Marcus holding me grabs on a bit tighter and smells my hair. He inhales deeply making me want to throw up the small breakfast me and Cal ate this morning.

"Ah, so pretty." He exhales. As if what he had already done wasn't scarring enough he then licks the side of my neck slowly.

"You taste good sweetheart." He says tenderly. I gag.

"Get off me. Now." I order trying to keep my voice from shaking though the rest of me already is.

I'm definitely not in any position of authority, yet to my surprise the man lets go of me. He returns to the rest of the Elites only to turn around and say, "Later darling."

"Stay here." The man who lead us in says. Two elites stay behind to watch us while still pointing their strange guns in our direction.

It is then I hear the noises. There are large metal storage containers far from us, where it seems something is banging on the walls from the inside.

I'd think that they probably were holding dead in there, but suddenly I hear voices from inside them. Human voices.

It clicks. Those are not guns they are tranquilizers, and they are not having us over for dinner they're having us for dinner.

"Get behind me Cal!" I say as I pull out my gun and shoot down the first Elite guarding us.

He falls down dead and the one beside him scrambles to the side as I shoot again. The bullet doesn't make a hit, but it skims his right shoulder.

"Sssssss...Ow. You're going to pay for that girly. I'm sure as hell gonna enjoy eating you." He growls at me while fumbling with his own weapon.

"A-Amy, did he say he wants to e-eat us?" cries Cal. He's clutching my leg and I can feel him shaking in fear.

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