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Disclaimer!~I am not against gay or lesbian people at all in any way. I don't want to offend anyone based on their sexuality. Btw I ship Taekook, Sugakookie, and more. Hope you like this chapter!

Chapter 8-More Than Friends
The alarm for school went off and I groaned. "Do I have to get up?" I muttered. My sister was already getting ready and Jungkook just awoke. "Good morning." I told him. He stretched and got out of bed. "Joh-eun achim (y/n)." His hair was messy and he still looked tired. No matter what, he always looked cute. Even when he was sleeping. I grabbed my school uniform and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

When I went back into the room to grab my books and school bag, Jungkook was putting his stuff in his school bag. "Hey (y/n)..." he started. I glanced over at him. "What is it Kookie?" I asked as I zipped up my bag, putting it on my shoulder. "Since we both really like each other, do you maybe want to date?" He asked me. "Sure. But we keep the kiss a secret." I told him. He nodded and we went downstairs for breakfast.

We walked into the kitchen together and sat down to eat breakfast. "Thanks for breakfast mom." I thanked her. "Yes thanks. Me and (y/n) have some news." Jungkook said. I blushed a little bit. "Your welcome kids. And what's the news?" She looked over at me and saw me blushing. "Me and (y/n) are dating." He told her. She smiled. "Really? I hope it works out with you too. You are such a cute couple." I heard Ye Seul almost choke on her food behind me.

She got up and grabbed me by the wrist, taking me outside. She closed the door behind us to make sure no one heard us talking. "Since when are you dating Jungkook?" She asked me. "Since we both realized we really liked each other. Do you have a problem with that?" I questioned her. Ye Seul let go of my wrist and looked down at the ground. "Jungkook is like a brother to me. I just don't want to have to choose a side if you guys get into an argument." She explained to me.

I looked over at her. "We won't get into an argument. If we do, I promise I won't make you choose a side." I promised her. We went back inside to finish breakfast. This time I wasn't late for school and didn't get extra work. "I can't believe I'm back at this school..." I mumbled to myself walked down the halls with Jungkook. We walked side by side and his hand accidentally bumped mine. Our fingers intertwined with each other. I couldn't believe we were holding hands. I know it was only the start of our relationship but it still came as a shock to me.

What I have been told, Jungkook isn't the best with girls. So my expectations were not that high. We both walked into class and took a seat. Right when I sat down, Mi Jin made her way over to me. "I saw what you did just now." She told me. I looked up at her. "What did I do?" I asked her, already annoyed. "Don't give me that. I saw you and Jeon holding hands in the hallway. I can't believe you would do something like that." She said.

I stood up. "Listen, I can hold hands with whoever I want. Me and Jungkook really like each other. So I would go away if I were you." I stated. A look of shock appeared on her face. "But your lesbian you can't do that! You are not allowed to turn on your sister like that suddenly." I smirked at her. "Who said I was lesbian? Oh yeah that was you. Sorry to disappoint sweetheart, but I'm straight. Sorry I can't fill the emptiness in your lesbian heart." I said and walked away. Thank god Jungkook wasn't around me when I said that. Who knows what his reaction would be.

I noticed him standing at the door talking to Yoongi. The bell rang and I took my seat. "Good morning everyone. Welcome back to Honors Math. I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready to get reviewing for testing. The big tests for high school to move onto 9th grade are next week so this week we are reviewing what you have learned these last 2 quarters. Does anyone have any questions before we start?" The teacher explained. No one said anything so we started to review.

Finally after a few more classes, it was lunch time. "Hey (y/n), look what Yoongi gave me." Jungkook showed me a piece of paper with all different types of information about BigHit entertainment on it. "Cool." I told him opening my lunch. "I think I'm going to do an audition." He told me. I also told choked on my rice. "What did you say?" I asked him and I caught my breath. "I said I think I might audition. What do you think?" He asked me smiling really big.

I set my shop sticks down on the table. "Well, I think if this is something you really want to do in life Kookie, then do it." I told him. He smiled even wider. The bell rang and teenagers poured out of the school doors, heading home for the day. "Ah, I just love the fresh air." Ye Seul said as we walked home. My head was down most of the walk home. Jungkook seemed to notice. "Is everything okay (y/n)?" He asked me. "I'm just tired and my head hurts that's all. I think I'll be fine-" suddenly I fell to the floor. "(Y/n)!" I heard Ye Seul and Jungkook's voice.

After that, everything went black. A few moments later, I awoke in a hospital bed. "Where am I?" I asked, seeing my mom sitting next to me by my bed. "You passed out on the way home from school so I brought you here. Jungkook and Ye Seul are at home. Poor Jungkook, he didn't want to leave you." She told me. "The doctor just said you were dehydrated and that since you have been so stressed out lately it made you pass out." I sat up against the hospital bed head board.

"Am I allowed to go back home?" I asked her. She nodded and we headed home. "Are you sure you are okay?" She asked seeming worried. "Can I tell you something." I asked her, not answering her question. She glanced over at me. "Sure. What is it?" She asked me. "Well, today at lunch, Jungkook showed me a paper with information about BigHit entertainment on it. He told me he wanted to audition. He asked me what I thought about it." I began to tell her.

She nodded. "That's amazing. So, what did you tell him." I looked out the window. "I told him if that was something he really wanted to do in life to just go for it." I told her. "Well that was a great thing to say. I'm sure if he gets in he will love it." She said. "But here is the thing. If he gets in, he will have to leave. Mom, I don't want Jungkook to leave. I want him to stay forever. I don't want to go anywhere without him. What am I going to do?" Tears started to roll down my cheeks.

My mom parked the car in the garage. "Well sweetheart, some friends are hard to let go. You just have to show him you are there for him and support his decision." She looked over at me and got out of the car. "But, he is more than just a friend to me."

"True friends are never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart."

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