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Fred sobbed hysterically, not caring about the commotion he was creating since he had cast a spell on his room that caused all noise to refrain from escaping. His slender fingers trembled as he worked on a knot in a long piece of rope. He just wanted his other half back.

Each time his finger slipped and he had to start all over again, Fred would let out a groan and slam down his rope, slowly getting louder until he gave up. What am I going to do, he thought whilst combing one had through his hair and using the other to shield his eyes from the mess he was making, in both his room and the lives of his loved ones. He lazily fell onto his bed and pondered his next move.


Fred jerked up from his lying position as the booming came nearer to his bedroom door, hand still covering his eyes. He couldn't face the rope, he couldn't face the thought that he was about to hurt so many others. Mostly, he couldn't face the fact that George was really gone, even after three months. The idea of seeing him again soon just made it all so real.


Cautiously, the ginger-haired man arose and removed his hand from his face. Although he planned to walk apprehensively towards the noise, he couldn't handle it anymore. Fred, the guy that could make anyone laugh with hardly any effort, collapsed onto the floor and screeched his heart out. The failed noose stared at him and yelled at him to do it, to get it over with, but he just couldn't bring himself to. He felt that he was trapped in a cycle of never ending confusion and pain and he just wanted it to end. It all got worse the more he thought about it, as he couldn't find a solution to his problems or a medicine for his broken heart.


Ah. It sounded more like footsteps now, and Fred was unsure whether he wanted to run away and hide or run to the person and be held until all his feelings melted away.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

The footsteps were quick now, and the knob was turning. The door creaked open at a painfully slow pace and revealed Molly Weasley, whose eyes widened in shock at the scene before her.

"My goodness, Fred, what on earth are you doing? What's wrong dear?" said Fred's beloved mother worriedly as she hurried towards him. "C'mere, let mummy hold you. It's alright, dear."

Fred carefully sat up and shuffled into Mrs. Weasley's arms. "M-mum, I...I can't d-do this any...a-anymore. N-not without G...not w-without Georgie," the man choked out, allowing himself to melt into her comforting embrace.

"Mum, where did you put my-" Ginny cut herself off as she barged into her brother's room and took in the sights in front of her. A poorly knotted rope on the floor, a complete an utter mess of Fred, and their mother consoling her son. Calmly sitting next to her brother, Ginny sighed.

"Fred, please don't do this. George may be gone but you're still here. You need to live for him. Do the things he can't do. Like raise a family," the redhead girl began to tear up, "follow your dreams, and be happy. What's done can't be undone, and it hurts, believe me, I know, but we can help you through this. You will never go through this alone." Ginny's speech had managed to ward off Fred's cries, and he started to calm down on the inside as well.

"I just don't know what to do," he replied with a sigh, "he was always there and now he's not."

Mrs. Weasley took a deep breath and chimed in. "But you're here, and so are we. We're together, and George is here with us every day in our hearts and watching over us. You'll be okay, dear."

Fred looked up at the ceiling to stop his tears from falling. His chest heaved as he tried to regain composure, and eventually he smiled a real, genuine smile.

George was up there watching over him.

He was going to be okay.


A/N: this story has been finished for two years now, and i've grown a lot since. i was twelve when i wrote this, and honestly, i hadn't experienced the death of a loved one, and i didn't take suicide seriously. but a lot has changed and i thought it was time to change the ending. personally, i like this one far more than the previous ending, but you can choose whatever one you prefer. i hope you enjoyed both this chapter and this book, and thank you for reading.

also, please comment how you feel about this ending!! it would really mean a lot to me :)

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