Chapter Three

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Dedicated to princesskatey because she was the first to guess the Doctor! If I could, I would dedicate it to everyone who guessed right. I just love that show♥
I'm in a good mood cuz I have Taco Bell right now's another update today! Enjoy :)


I ran a hand through my hair, sighing loudly. Would it be too soon? Should I just wait? I mean, I want to stay with Chloe for the rest of my life, but we're just now getting into college.. I should wait. No..I shouldn't. I sighed again and stared down at the rings in front of me.

"Can I help you, sir?" a British accented voice asked.

I raised an eyebrow and looked up, seeing an older looking man standing in front of the case.

"Um, I don't know." I mumbled, shaking my head, "Maybe in a few minutes." I told him.

"What is she like? Maybe I can help you find the perfect ring." he suggested.

I bit my bottom lip gently, "She's beautiful. Short," I chuckled, "Sassy. Great sense of humor. Her favorite color is purple. She doesn't like anything too flashy."

He nodded slightly and held a finger up, walking to a room in the back of the store. I glanced down at my phone, seeing a message from Chloe.

Bring home some more Jammie Dodgers :-) oh! and will you do me a HUGE favor?


I looked around the small jewelry store, not seeing many people. Well, no holiday is for a while so I don't really expect tons of people in here. I felt my phone vibrate, causing me to instantly look down.

Get me some tampons...?

I groaned and leaned against the case of rings. She better love me for this.

If I absolutely have to.. :(

You have no idea how much I love you!

With a little kissy emoji. I chuckled quietly and shook my head slightly, pocketing my phone and turning around as the man walked over with a little velvet box in hand. He smiled at me before pulling it open, a smile of my own appearing on my face.

I walked into the living room, where Chloe was studying something in her nursing book. I sat down beside of her and handed her the store bag.

"There's more than tampons in here." she said, raising an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged and sat back, watching her look through the contents of the bag.

"Tampons, Dove chocolate, Ibuprofen, and the Frozen movie." she smiled brightly, looking over at me.

I smiled back and hugged her tightly when her arms wrapped around my neck, "Anything to make you feel better." I  told her.

"Awh." she cooed, "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied, kissing her cheek gently, "What do you say we order in a pizza and watch this movie?"

"As long as you sing with me."

"Of course." I chuckled, kissing her cheek once again.

Hope you're liking this so far! I don't fully remember what happened in the beginning of the other sequel, but hopefully I start to xD I'll start trying to make the chapters longer, too.

Ring over on the side-->

Thanks for reading!


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