forty five. | groupchat.

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Finnie: hey...

Lena: what's up?

Kels: everything okay?

Finnie: so I found out when I'm leaving to resume filming

Lena: when?

Kels: not soon, right?

Finnie: my flight is scheduled for next Friday

Lena: that's literally a week from now what the hell

Lena: don't they have to tell you further in advance??

Finnie: they don't have to do anything if they're the bosses of me

Lena: holy shit you're really leaving again

Lena: last time we had longer for this to sink in

Finnie: I'm so sorry guys. I don't want to leave either but I have to

Lena: do you know when you're gonna be back?

Finnie: I have no idea. we took our break so Ross could help his wife out after giving birth but now that we're back on for filming we just have to play it by ear

Finnie: I'll know more when we're closer to wrapping and planning interviews and stuff

Lena: okay just make sure to keep us updated

Finnie: of course

Finnie: wait why isn't Kelsey responding

Finnie: Kels? you alright?

Kels: of course not the guy I'm madly in love with is picking up and leaving me again

Kels: yeah sorry I was putting my laundry away

Kels: as bummed as I am, I'm still happy for you and I'm excited to see how season 3 turns out

Finnie: thanks :)

Kels: no problem

Kels: now both of you get your asses over here we only have a week to watch mean girls one hundred more times

absolutely smitten; finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now