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"Because,"Terra repeats. "I said so."  "Kay-kay."I answer. I get off the bed and go sit on the floor. "Rin...get off the floor and follow me."she says. I look at her. "FINE!"I whisper yell.

I follow Terra downstairs, into Ms.Olivia's office, and sit down in a chair. I start freaking out because I don't know what is going on. I don't know whats happening until Terra is on the side of me trying to calm me down.

"My soldatino, the darkness were you want to stay

You will follow me back to the light one day

Closer than ever,

Don't say never

Listen to me,

what do you want to be?

Happy or sad?

Glad or mad?

Which will it be?

Do you not think I can't see?"

Terra stops for a moment.

"Close your eyes I know what you see,

the darkness Is high and you're in ten feet deep.

We've survived more terrible monsters than sleep.

You know I will be there to tell you to breathe. "

she finishes another song but I don't pay attention. The tears stop, and I'm able to calm down. Terra picks me up and puts me on the couch with her. She doesn't stop hugging me and telling me it's alright.

Someone walks in but I don't care what the heck they see. Terra starts talking to me in Italian. I laugh a little after she tried to say something but it came out "I like cats".

I sign to her like I usually do. Correcting her mistakes now and then. I stop five minutes later. I notice that a couple was in the room.

I tap in morse code to Terra.

(A/N Erin(E)sign language Terra(T)Italian)

E-When did they get here?

T- Few monkeys ago.


T-What ever!

E- Why are they staring?

T- I don't know.

E-Do you still like like the girls?

"THAT WAS ONE TIME!" Terra screams in English. The couple, I noticed were boys, stare at us like we were crazy. I sign quickly to her.

(A/N Terra is speaking English now)

E- Berserker.




She notices her mistake and laughs. I poke her in the stomach.

E-You are so like him



T-You got me there

Someone says in Italian 'What time is it?'

T-Holy Hera! Was that you?


"Opps...but any way I'm Nico,"the person, Nico, says in English.

That's so familiar. I look at Nico...he even looks familiar. Did I know him? Nicole, Nicolas, Nicky, nope no Nicos.

"Hi Nico! I'm Terra and this is-"  I interrupt her by poking her in the stomach. "Erin di Angelo! Stop poking me!"she yells in Italian.

"So..."Nico says,"You guys don't happen to be the Andrew's Ms.Olivia was talkng about?"a guy asks. "Yeah, but Erin isn't an Andrew. Erin's has d-"I interrupt her again by covering her mouth. "Erin has a d?"the other guy asks laughing his head off. "Leo! What the Hades?!"Nico yells at this Leo. They end up leaving after an awkward silence.

A few minutes later, Ms.Olivia walks in. With a huge smile on her face. She may act older than she looks but she's 26. I look at her in the eye and I can tell she's excited. But...for what?

"Why hello there!" Ms.Olivia says with her British accent. "Ter-Bear and Robin! Come give me a hug girlies!"she says using our nicknames. Ter-Bear, as you have guessed, is Terra. She was nicknamed that because she loves bears. I was nicknamed Robin because I act like him and I love Teen Titans. Ms.Olivia was nicknamed Mama Bear by Terra because she is like a motherly figure for every girl here.

We run up to her and give her a bear hug. "Mama Bear why are we here?"Terra asks Ms.Olivia. "I bet they know."she replies pointing at someone. I look where she was pointing to see...

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