Chapter 1 - 15 years later

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        I hear thumping on the door as I finish getting ready to leave. "Come on in," I call out, watching the reflection of the door in the mirror. My foster brother Adam walks into my room. "Hey Adam. What's up?"

        "I'm just making sure you're ready to go. Jordan says that Vicki wants to get there early." Adam watches my face in the mirror.

        "Yeah I'm just about ready." I watched Adam nod and walk out of my room. Jordan and Adam are some of the best foster siblings I've ever had. Jordan is a year older than me, Adam a year younger than me, so we fall into consecutive years in school. Jordan drives every day, even though I have my own car, and insists that we pick up his girlfriend Vicki every morning. It's not that I don't like Vicki, it's just that she's so... Vicki.

        I grab my bag and turn to leave the room. The second I step into the hallway, I can smell Angela's muffins downstairs. I grin as I take a whiff. I'm not usually one to eat breakfast, but I don't turn away from Angela's muffins. She works as a professional baker, and makes the best pastries I could ever imagine. I walk at a controlled pace to the kitchen, hoping like I don't appear to be in a rush to get to the goodies. Angela smiles at me when I walk in. "How are you this morning, Avery?"

        I look up at her. "Doing alright. Nothing unlike a normal morning. Except the amazing smell of muffins." I wink at her as I take a muffin from the rack. I love having Angela and Will as my foster parents too.

        "Jordan is waiting out in the car. So is Adam. I guess they are in a hurry, so you should probably get out there." I nodded to Angela, grabbed another muffin, and ran outside just as Jordan honked the horn.

        I got into the car, and Jordan looked back at me. "What took you so long? Vicki has an emergency rehearsal."

        "Sorry, you should have told me yesterday. I would have gotten up earlier."

        "I would have if I hadn't found out this morning," Jordan argued.

        "Okay guys, knock it off," Adam jumped in. Adam has always hated arguments. Jordan makes fun of him for it, says he's not a real man. Personally, I think it's a good quality.

        Jordan pulled up in front of Vicki's house, and she ran out the door to the car. Jordan used to get out of the car to go to the door, but Vicki just watches for us now, saving Jordan the trouble of being a gentleman. As Vicki got into the car, she pecked Jordan's cheek and buckled herself in as Jordan started driving. Once she was settled in, she turned around. "Hey guys, what's up?"

        "The top of the car," replied Adam with a smile.

        Vicki nudged him playfully and chuckled. "What about you, Avery? Any awesome news? Any boyfriend yet?"

        I rolled my eyes. Vicki wants me to get a boyfriend so that we can go on a double date. I personally think boyfriends are overrated, and my ex-boyfriend Jared is the prime example. "No, Vicki, no boyfriend."

        "How long is it going to take? Come on girl, get your flirt on! I'm sure there are guys just waiting for you to make a move! We have to go on that date!" Vicki gave her sweet smile.

        "Vicki, when do you ever even have time? You're drill team president, and when you're not busy with that, you are at work."

        "I can take time off. It's not a big deal." Vicki hesitated, yet began talking again before I could say anything. "Look, just think about it, okay, Avery? I think it would be fun."

        I nodded, and we went the last couple minutes to school in silence. The second Jordan parked the car, he and Vicki were out and hurrying toward the dance studio for Vicki's emergency practice. Adam and I looked at each other over the top of the car as we got out. "Are you really thinking about it?"

        I smiled, glad that Adam could see right through me. "Nope. I have better things to do with my time than get a boyfriend. And besides, I'm not going to be here very long anyway."

        "Who says?"

        I sighed as we began walking inside. "I've never been in one place for very long. Fourteen months was my longest foster family. You guys are at almost a year, but who's to say that the state won't be taking me to another family soon?"

        "I consider you my sister. Jordan considers you his sister. Mom and Dad even love you. You're basically part of the family. I'm sure you'll be able to stay. You turn 18 soon anyway, so isn't it your choice?"

        "I don't know how it all works. I guess we'll have to wait and see." We walked to my locker in silence, then I continued. "After so many years, one gets used to not having a family. But you guys are the closest thing I have."

        "I'm glad. It should all work out, don't you--" Adam cut off suddenly. I turned to look, and noticed that he was staring at something. I followed his gaze, and saw that it wasn't something, it was someone. Three beautiful girls were walking towards us.

        "Adam?" I snapped in front of his face, bringing him back to earth.

        "Hey Adam!" The middle girl walked up and gave Adam a huge hug. "Thanks for that biology tutoring yesterday. I totally get it now! We should do it again sometime!"

        Adam nervously chuckled. "Oh, it's nothing. We're having a free period during math today because of Kalazar being gone. Maybe we could get together then?"

        The girl's face brightened. "Absolutely! You're so smart!" She looked up at me. "Who's your friend?"

        "This is my sister Avery."

        "Oh cool. Well I best be off. I'll see you in math!" As she walked past him, her arm brushed his gently. "Bye, Adam." And with that, she was off.

        Adam took a breath and leaned against the row of lockers. "Whoa."

        "Who was that?"

        He looked up at me. "Huh? Oh. Just a friend. I gotta go." He started walking quickly in the opposite direction of the girl. I watched him walk, and once he turned a corner, I shook my head and closed my locker.

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