Chapter 2

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        That afternoon, I was sitting at my desk doing my English homework, when I heard a knock at the door. I called out to come in, and Adam walked into my room. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier. My brain just completely shut off when they walked over to us."

        It took me a minute to realize that Adam was talking about that morning. Once I realized that, I said, "It's not a big deal, Adam. Who were they anyway?"

        Adam lowered his eyes, his cheeks turning bright pink. "That would be Kaitlyn Newsome, Amelia Bradbury, and Jennifer Bennett. They are the only sophomore girls that made the varsity cheerleading squad. We've been friends for years. We all grew up together."

        "Which one are you tutoring?"

        "That would be Kaitlyn. She used to live across the street, but her family moved a few blocks when we were twelve. I know her much better than I know Amelia and Jennifer. Kaitlyn has taken tumbling with them since they were three though, so when she brought them home, that's when I met them."

        I smiled. "She's a beautiful girl."

        Adam chuckled, still blushing. "She's amazing. She's so nice and funny and beautiful."

        "You like her, don't you?"

        Adam turned even more red. "Maybe a little."

        "Just be careful. Girls will break your heart."

        "I know." Adam suddenly looked up at me with wide eyes. "I know! Let's go on a double date! It's a perfect opportunity to actually ask Kaitlyn out! And you can get to know her more!"

        I scoffed. "Seriously, Adam? Do you not remember this morning with Vicki?"

        "This is totally different. You're doing it for me, not for Vicki. We could have so much fun! I'll come up with some amazing idea and..."

        "Adam! I'm not interested in dating!" I interrupted. "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to go asking anyone out right now."

        "I can set you up on a blind date then! That way you don't have to be in a relationship with the guy!"

        "No Adam. I'm sorry. Why don't you ask Jordan and Vicki?"

        "Jordan doesn't treat me like you do! I can't go on a date with Kaitlyn with Jordan treating me like a child all night! At least you respect me! Please, I'm begging you!"

        "Adam, no. I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

        Adam scoffed and walked out of my room, angry. I leaned back in my chair to think about it. I honestly had no interest in going on any dates. I didn't want to take a chance of getting too attached to someone and then having to leave. I glanced over and saw my keys sitting on a hook, calling out to me. I grabbed them as I stood up, and I left my room. I said goodbye to Angela as I walked out, got into my car, and drove to the park near my house. Something about this park has always drawn me near it.

        I sat down on a bench and watched some little kids playing. After a few minutes I heard, "Do you mind if I join you?" I glanced up to see a young blonde girl standing next to me. I motioned to go ahead, then I recognized her. Kaitlyn smiled at me as she sat down. "Thanks. You're Adam's sister, right? Avery I think?"

        "Yep, that's me."

        "Kaitlyn Newsome. I've been good friends with Adam since I was born, but I had no idea that he has a sister. I only knew about Jordan."

        "I'm a foster child. His family took me in almost a year ago."

        "Oh, I get it now! I was so confused, but I didn't want to ask Adam. I look stupid enough, having to ask him to tutor me." Kaitlyn sighed and leaned against the back of the bench. "I'm like the stereotypical blonde idiot cheerleader."

        "Hey, don't be hard on yourself. Look at it this way. You may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but you're really pretty and you're good at what you do, right?"

        Kaitlyn's eyes lit up as she smiled at me. "Yeah I guess. You really know how to cheer someone up. Thanks!" I shrugged. "Do you know if anyone has asked Adam to Sadie's yet?"

        I looked over at Kaitlyn. "I don't think so. If anyone has, he hasn't said anything to me. Why?"

        Kaitlyn shrugged one shoulder. "I just think it would be fun. Amelia's parents said that they'll make dinner for me, Jennifer, and Amelia, and all of our dates, then Jennifer says that we should go hot tubbing at her place after the dance. It sounds like a long day, but it could be really fun if you have the right people."

        I nodded. "You should ask him. I'm sure he would love that." I glanced over to the woods, calling out to me. "I'm gonna head out. Have a nice day, Kaitlyn."

        "Oh you too! Bye Avery!"

        I walked over to the trees and began following a walking trail. After a couple hundred feet, I glanced around me, making sure no one was watching. No one was in sight, so I stepped off the trail and began walking through the trees to my favorite place. Hidden, far from the walking trail, was one of the most beautiful waterfalls and rivers that I have ever seen. There is never a sign of human life around here, and I always wonder how people can live in this area without knowing about it. Between the woods and the river is a grass field, which never seems to grow.

        As I reached the field, I exhaled deeply, a huge smile covering my face. This is what I call paradise. I walked to the edge of the field, right next to the river, and sat down, letting my fingers dip into the cold crystal clear water. I watched the fish, swimming around, exploring their underwater world. A butterfly flew past my head, almost as if welcoming me to my paradise.

        "Kinda close to the water, aren't you? Don't wanna fall in, do you?" I spun my head around quickly. At first I didn't see anyone, but then a boy stepped out from the shadows. He continued, "Sorry, should I have said something earlier? I didn't mean to frighten you."

        I stayed where I was. "I wasn't frightened, just startled. I come here all the time, and I've never seen another human around here."

        The boy grinned. "What a coincidence. I could say the same thing. We must come at different times." He began walking over to me as he continued. "This place is almost like heaven to me. I love it here. So peaceful. So relaxing." He sat down next to me. "Don't you agree?"

        I nodded. "I call it paradise. I'm away from the world and I can just sit and think."

        His blue grey eyes seemed to penetrate me. "And what do you think about?"

        "Everything." I just looked back at him. He was familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him before. Maybe he was a face in the hall at school.

        "That's a big topic." He glanced down at his arm. "It's getting late. You don't want to be late for dinner. Can I walk you home?"

        "Yeah, sure." We stood up and began walking, chatting along the way. When we arrived at my house, he walked me halfway up the driveway, then said goodbye and began to continue on his way. "Wait!" I called out. He turned to face me. "What's your name?"

        He grinned. "Joseph Parker."

        I smiled back. "Avery Parkinson."

        "Well it's a pleasure to have been able to meet you, Avery Parkinson. We'll meet again, I'm sure." He turned and walked away.

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