Meet the characters!

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  The sun is shining and the birds are chirping, it's a cool day of Fall and some new people are moving in a nice little suburban neighborhood 21604 Hid Dn, Maple Valley, Washington. A large moving van parked on the side of the road as a medium sized mini van drove up to the driveway. A man in his late 30's maybe parked there and unlocked the car before coming out of it, he glanced around the block and then to the tall white fence with a pleased nod, his wife (one had thought) came out as well holding a medium sized cardboard box, that possibly held some easily breakable stuff like pictures or glass Harlequins. They took a moment to talk until the oddest kid around his age he ever saw. Unless he'd count Dave. They were female that's for certain but wearing a rabbit like mask along with some horns, was she dressing up as an evil rabbit? He'll never know.

Something that's happening today but will be explained later!

What's his name again?

==> [Zoosmell Pooplord]

Stop flopping around, be serious.

==> [John Egbert]

Ah yes! That's it, I forget this kids name a lot.

==> Peep at the neighbors again!

John takes another look at the new neighbors but a hard knock on his door disrupts that, the girl was actually looking up at him too! The door opens, to which he was sure he locked and to his terrifying dismay his Father was there holding a devilish confectionary of Betty Crocker! It was a nicely decorated cake but luckily it wasn't for him...this time. It was for the neighbors, it seems like Dad wants him to come see them with him. If he made that cake, he was sure the neighbors would be having a rough day.

==> Reply a nice No.

John gets a look from his pops, one that says he's gonna feed him the cake he has in in hands which is something he doesn't want, at all! So putting on a forced smile he accepted the punishment- I mean quest to see the neighbors. Wonder how that would go.

==> Snatch the cake and run!
==> Psyche!~

Standing in her pastel rainbow room with little designs here and there by her was a new girl, without her mask. Clearly to us she's a Troll (I know it's weird but for things to work right now she has to be here and now. Everything should play out as usual though!), if you read the story this one is portraying then good job you know everything! If not, go read the damn thing, why are you reading this!?

==> Pay attention to the story.

The Troll girl blinks in confusion. A Troll that was found as a Grub and raised by a human couple who were only just engaged, she didn't die surprisingly so things must've adapted within her as she grew, oddly enough cause she's an odd color troll. A mixture of Purple and blue.

==> Enter her name

[Passaregreive Asshole]

==> Be nice!

[Amina Heartfell]

==> Kind of a short and long name don't you think?

Well she was raised by humans, that keep to a certain history. Anyway, her room is painted by painters who were hired to renew the houses colors, after she got settled in with her gaming supplies and her special laptop she went right to painting her walls with little characters. One is called Nabi and the other Drako, she hasn't a name for the whole thing but she does have a comic she's working on. As you think, being raised by humans has made her less of a Troll, she's not exactly violent, only when you touch her stuff without permission. Her parents kept her a secret from society aside from the family who she enjoys seeing every now and then, she was home-schooled and never exactly left from her house only to play around in the backyard with her big husky Bakersville. Though a bit reclusive she would enjoy to meet people, another different human like her.

==> She believes she's human?

Well they had to tell her something, she think she's just one of those with an odd skin condition and certain appendages. Like she's female for sure but she tends to roam on the fact as to why she also has a-

==> STOP!

Okay fine fine jeez. To the right side of the room is her table with a drawing pad in which she uses to draw up her art. Under it are some paint buckets and paint tins, a pile of brushes and...well something you needn't to know about. To the left side is where her Easel resides, with a newish coat of over paint as a base so can paint something. What should she paint?

==> How about that weird kid she saw peeping at her family?

Amina nodded but sighed, she would love to paint him, but she only got a look of his top half. Looking at her through his glasses.

==> Equip arms from under the bed.

Looking under her bed she can't recall the last time she had her arms, the nice fake ones she painted over. That's something odd, maybe she'll remember later, Amina here has short term memory loss she'd use strings on her fingers to remember certain things but she'd forget what the strings were for in the first place. Her mother would always comment she would forget her head if it wasn't attached to her shoulders, it sounded mean to her at first but she found it funny later. Hell she'd forget to remember where she put something to remember where it is, like her arms that still needed something.

==> Meet the neighbors.

Amina's eyes widened, she looked to the door as a few knocks came to it, no she didn't want to see new people this soon! Where's her mask? She looked around her room in panic as the door opened in agonizing slow motion, she was sure she left it on her bed! The door had opened and her father walked into her room finding his daughter halfway under the bed "What..what are you doing Muffin?" She shot up quickly and nervously looked away from him, he probably knew already and sighed kneeling to her level and taking her mask, that was resting up on her head the whole time, and fixed it back over her grey face "I put it on my head?.." She pouted thinking over her steps "We still have many things to move in and unpack, though our new neighbors have dropped by to welcome us in. Make sure your mask is on proper okay?" She nodded up to him making him smile "Alright they have brought us a cake, looks-" He couldn't finish his sentence as the young girl ran out of her room at the sound of cake.

(This might turn to an AU. Trolls and humans live differently different planet all the less. How they get to earth and back is on them but the modern human tech can let them travel to Alternia. Or Trolls and Humans completely despise each other the only ones who don't seem to give a crap about things are the main humans and Trolls we know. World wars had happened due to a Human and a Troll many, many, many years ago so far they've made a Treaty, one stating that neither Troll or Human can cooperate with each other. Listed by many people in charge of certain places in Earth and the many people in charge of things in Alternia, if such a thing would happened one would be shamed, banished, or if the worse case happened being a Troll and a Human having relations would be killed. Which is why Amina's parents are so scared to have her without her mask, not because of the relations thing but because they raised her from the Grub up. They'd separate her from them and send her to the Troll World forever as the parents would be forever shamed. With a bit of time plot here and there.)

John glanced around slightly unsure of the issue at hand. That freaking cake his 'father' had, he wanted to snatch it and run to the nearest volcano. Wanting to spare these people of the devilish confectionery, the door had opened after his father knocked on it a few times. There he saw the woman from before and the man in the living space pushing a couch in the right place, he fixed his posture before coming to the door as well "Hey there neighbor!" "Yes, hello it's nice to have a visit. Even though we just moved in." The happy couple greeted together the woman looked down to the decorative cake and then to John who was glancing around inside of their house "Why don't you come in, my husband just put the couch down so we could get to know each other." She invited them inside and smiled "I'm Whitney Heartfell,-" "And I'm Jonathan Heartfell." John's pop chuckled a bit the corn cob pipe wiggling around with his wavering lips "That's funny my son's name is John." He stated placing the cake down on the coffee table, and Jonathan bent down to the kid's eye level "What'cha into sport?" John blinked his eyes sparkling a bit, wanting to tell him of the most fabulous movies ever...but he didn't have a bunny with him at the moment so he went with one subject that would seem to stand out more as a kid "Play games." He glanced to the side to avoid the man's gaze, a guy this happy was odd to see and one that didn't shove Betty Crocker crap down his throat "Well then you and my daughter would have something in common then. Let me go get her." He walked off upstairs leaving his father and Whitney to talk, seemingly having a good time over some tea she randomly had. John took the time to look around the house, when I say look I meant snoop. Anyway there was a bunch of boxes crowding the hallway to the dining room and possibly a study which lead into the living space. By the front door was the kitchen, it was a nice looking kitchen marble countertops and beige counters, the sinks were cleaned and so was the floor. He guessed they hired some people to clean the place up before moving here.

==> Look in one of the boxes titled Mina's stuff

Who the hell is Mina? The daughter? Possibly that kid he saw, he looked back to his father talking with Whitney before digging around in the box. There was a lot of things within it a medium and small sized easel with matching canvases, lots of cut up fabric, a jewelry chest a couple of games here and there, a copy of Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess was listed as a 'Don't break or I'll break you, Uhal guys.' , then a couple rolled up posters with 'left wall' 'right wall' on some of them he took on out and unrolled it finding it was Con Air. He nearly burst with excitement until a hand gently took the poster from him quickly "Don't look at that!" A shirek came having him turn to the voice finding the girl from before, mask on shyly hiding her poster from him "Where'd you get that, looks authentic." She squeaked grasping her father's shirt and hiding behind him "Sorry about her she's a bit...I wouldn't call it shy." She was glaring at John from behind her mask but her father pushed her closer to the boy "Stop acting like that, it'd be good for you to make some friends, right?" The girl glanced to John and then her father "How about you go play with him? The adults are talking." The girl sighed and turned walking through the hallway, when she got to the stairs she looked over her shoulder to John her long black locks following her movements "Ya coming or not bub?" John raised an eyebrow and followed her up the stairs 'Bub? What the hell is bub?'

When he entered her room he found himself looking at the slightly dry black paint outlines of two characters on her north wall, which is just above the headboard of her canopy bed. One of those fancy beds that had a big silky cover thing, her room was the right size for it. There was an easel that seemed to have just started something, he couldn't make it out but the girl was staring at him, he couldn't tell what she was thinking, what she was feeling, or what emotion she had due to the mask only thing visible was her bright blue eyes, she found something more interesting to do, finishing that painting. John took the moment to gaze around her room, seeing as she wasn't going to talk anytime soon, there were some taped up posters with a painted white frame, the poster that she held was placed on a table nearby, that also held her Drawing Tablet with an underside full of paint brushes of different sizes he was sure she was into movies like him, judging by the Con Air poster but she took it from him quickly he noticed her 'gaming center' which was filled with consoles of yesteryear and newer ones like the Gamecube, the one she had was the Zelda exclusive one. Amina was still painting, though not using any colors yet just making an outline, she looked over to him before quickly looking back to the canvas she was clearly not wanting to strike up a conversation so..he cleared his throat, playing around with an origami crane "I see you have an interest in movies." She visibly flinched glancing over to him, she sighed softly moving to grab another brush "Don't ask about the Con Air poster, my dad got it for me." She responded, with a grunt making John's eye twitch just a bit "You don't seem like you want to talk much." He looked to the painting she was doing, he caught sight of its start being his hair before she stood in front of it "Look, if it bothers you so much I'll talk with you. My parents are expecting us to make nice anyway, bub." She crossed her arms glaring at him slightly from behind her mask he nodded, he did want to at least try to talk with her as his father would be on his rear if he didn't at least make nice with the new neighbor child. I suppose in hopes of her dad and his dad joining forces one day "What are you painting?" She hummed in response "It's you obviously, jeez." She rolled her eyes as she continued painting, doing up his hair this surprised him though, she was painting him...why? "I was looking for something to paint, something that's usually not my dog or the little characters I have, or my backyard. Saw you peeping at me from ya window, then got this idea." She gestured dabbing the brush lightly on the canvas to make the little green worm thing on his shirt, he caught her words though with raised eyebrows "It sounds like you don't leave your house." Amina blinked once and turned to look at him as her door opened to show her parents and John's 'dad' "Say see you next time, to your friend Muffin. They're coming over again next Tuesday for Dinner." Her mother said having the girl huff at the nickname used she glanced over to John and gave him a nod before turning back to her painting "Buzz off, bub." The three adults shared some looks and Amina's parents gave a nervous chuckle "It's alright I understand, maybe she'll open up to John more one day." John's pop whispered to them as John walked passed him out of her room.

The girl behind the mask was gonna be an investigation.

==> Pester Dave on Pesterchum

Once John had got home he noticed a few messages had been sent to his Pesterchum. With a light huff before a small chuckle he decided to tell his buddy Dave about the new neighbors.

TG: Dude, where were you?

TG: Thought you were gonna join me on the new Track, Egdork.

TG: It would've been totally awesome.

TG: But it was no issue to do it alone, cause I'm amazing like that.

EB: Yes of course you are, anyway I was gone for half the day mostly because I was waiting for something and some new neighbors moved in.

EB: Then dad made a devilish cake in record time to have me and him go meet the neighbors.

TG: Really, what are they like?

EB: Well the dad is pretty okay didn't get to know him much though, same with the mom. They sent me and their kid away so they can talk adult stuff and I'm like, where'd that tea set come from?

EB: But their daughter is kinda..can't put my finger on it.

TG: ....Daughter?

TG: Is she hot?

EB: What the- Why would you ask that?

EB: Besides, I don't even know.

TG: What do YOU mean you don't know? Does she got that good body or not? Or does she and the face is real nasty looking.

TG: OR is the face real good looking, like no need for makeup and the body all messed up?

EB: I...I didn't pay attention to anything like that! Plus I don't know what her face looks like, she wears a mask all of the time.

TG: You serious dude?

EB: Mhm. All I know is that she has blue eyes, everything else about her seems pretty cool. She didn't want to talk with me at all though.

EB: She's probably into movies like me, she plays a lot of video games.

EB: Though she's real iffy on who touches them though.

TG: ..You know that now I'm gonna come over and see what she's like right? See if she's cool enough to even hang out with my bro.

EB: Geeeeeeez fine, just don't scare her off now. My dad is hoping I make friends with her.

TG: Can't make any promises.

==> What'll happen next in this piece of trash?  

Hometrash: A story I love to hate!Where stories live. Discover now