Chapter 22

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Jade's pov
(Still Friday)
Thomas started smiling and then he started screaming and jumping up and down then he went up to Cree and started kissing her and then they stoped and Ricardo said
R:That was the wait for it right
R:Ugh why couldn't you be pregnant too
J:Ugh u wish
C:But please don't tell nobody
T:Okay but who knows
C:Jade,Lizzy,Alex,and Ricardo
C:Rico promise
C:Okay so what do you guys want to do
J:Let's watch a movie
Everyone except for me:Okay
C:What should we watch
R:Let's watch Truth or dare the movie that came out yesterday
Everyone except for Me and Ricardo:Okay
J:No am going to be scared
R:Don't worry i'll be here for u
R:Your welcome now let's watch the movie
Everyone except for Ricardo:Yeah
(After the movie)
It was late so Thomas and Ricardo stayed over and since I was still kinda scared I told Ricardo to come sleep in my room and he said Okay then we all went to our rooms and when we entered Ricardo said
R:You know Jade I still love you and I didn't mean to cheat on you Jada kissed me
J:Yeah and I still love you but it isn't about the kiss anymore it's that I love u and Grant
J:No don't feel sad this is all my fault
R:No it's not because if we would have never went to meet Jada and Jordan then we would still be together
J:True but still
R:But still nothing this is all my fault
Then he went up to me and started kissing me and then we fell on the bed and he started taking off my clothes and I started taking off his clothes and we started having ***
(3 hours later)
We fell asleep
(In the morning)
I woke up and noticed I was naked and so was Ricardo then I said to myself in my head
J:I think am not supposed to be dating Grant if not Ricardo.I just noticed I used to love Grant when we were younger but now am in love with Ricardo so I have to change and go meet grant to break up with him.So I called him and said
Conversation between Me and Grant
J:Hey Grant can we meet I need to talk to you
G:Okay because I also need to talk to you
J:Okay let's meet in the park
G:Okay See you there
J:Okay See you there in 20
G:Okay bye
End of conversation
I took a quick shower and changed into this👇🏻

So I called him and saidConversation between Me and Grant J:Hey Grant can we meet I need to talk to you G:Okay because I also need to talk to youJ:Okay let's meet in the parkG:Okay See you there J:Okay See you there in 20G:Okay byeJ:ByeEnd of conv...

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And wore these shoes👇🏻

And did my hair like this👇🏻

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And did my hair like this👇🏻

Then I left and entered my car and went to the park and he was already there so I parked my car and got out and went up to him and he saidG:Hey JadeJ:Hey Grant what did you want to tell meG:What did you want to tell me J:You first G:No you firstJ:...

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Then I left and entered my car and went to the park and he was already there so I parked my car and got out and went up to him and he said
G:Hey Jade
J:Hey Grant what did you want to tell me
G:What did you want to tell me
J:You first
G:No you first
J:No you first
G:Am moving back to Maryland so I think we should break up
J:Your moving back
J:Oh okay😔
G:Yeah but we can still be friends
J:Yeah but why are you moving back
G:Because Cherry is back to Maryland
J:Oh yeah and you liked me and Cherry but when Cherry left you liked me more because she left but now she came back so you're leaving
G:Yeah but what did you want to tell me
J:I wanted to tell you that we should break up
G:Because u noticed that you still have feelings for Ricardo
J:Yeah I thought that if I would date you they would go away but they didn't they just got bigger and bigger Am sorry
G:Its Okay......Friends😀
G:Well this means goodbye
J:Bye Grant I will miss you
G:I will too Jade
Then we both left and I went back home and when I entered nobody was there so I went to my room and Ricardo was still sleeping so I took off my shoes and laid next to him and kissed him in the mouth and that's when he started kissing back and he woke up and said
R:Good Morning Jade
J:I broke up with Grant
R:Really😁Wait Why
J:Because I noticed he wasn't the one I love it is someone else
R:There's another boy
J:No the other boy is u
J:Yeah I still love you
R:I love you too and I want to ask you something that I have asked you
R:Jade will you make me the happiest boy on earth and be mine
J:Yes I would love to
R:Now I can call you mine
J:And I can call u mine
R:Can I tell you something
J:Sure what is it
R:If Jada tells you that her and me are dating don't believe her because your the one and only
J:Aww Okay i won't believe her
R:Thanks baby
J:Am glad to here you say that again to me
R:Am also glad to say it to you again
Then he kissed me and he hadn't noticed he's completely naked yet then he stopped and I said
J:Have you noticed your completely naked
R:No but right now am going to change
And he went to change into this👇🏻

Friends😀J:Friends😄G:Well this means goodbye J:Bye Grant I will miss you G:I will too JadeJ:ByeG:ByeThen we both left and I went back home and when I entered nobody was there so I went to my room and Ricardo was still sleeping so I took off my sh...

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(A/N:When I only show the shirt it means they also put on jeans)
And came back to the bed and just laid with me and said
R:Jade always know that I love you
J:I will and also know that I love you too
R:I will
Then we got up and went downstairs and everyone was already there and Cree said
C:Okay Guys Thomas just told me what we will tell the boys and the other girls when they see that me and Thomas are dating
J:Just say you forgave Thomas
J:Oh and I want to tell you guys something
A:What is it
J:I broke up with Grant and now am dating Ricardo
Then they all said

What did they say???

Thank u guys so much for 2k reads and 113 votes.I love you guys so much.Thank you for reading my book.

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