Untitled Part 10

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Harry was now fully awake and staring at his submissive in panic, "What? No, you can't" he stammered, fear rushing through him like a wave.

"I have to Harry. He will only give me so long to come to him, and then he will pull me to him himself. That has happened once before, and believe me, I'd rather it never happened again" he grimaced, looking away briefly, before turning back to him. "Sir, may I have permission to get up?" he asked him. Harry could only nod, feeling like his entire body was rooted to the spot. Severus started getting dressed, pulling out the clothes he would need from the closet, including a black robe that had been hidden inside a muggle jacket.

"Severus" Harry stated firmly, starting to get a grip of himself. His submissive turned to look at him, "Come here" he ordered, and the other man obeyed immediately, coming to sit on the bed beside him. Harry grasped his arm, "Tell me how you are going to stay safe" he demanded in a firm tone.

Severus held an air of confidence, though he grimaced slightly, "You are not going to like this". Harry merely stared at him, waiting for him to continue, "Voldemort will look into my memories as he always does. I have enough memories of myself and potions ingredients to convince him I was on an expedition, and the headmaster is supplying me with rare ingredients which should cover this. However, it would be best if he knows that I am in a relationship, as it will explain the rest of my time over the last two months. I will be able to overlay the images of your glamour onto my memories, and they should be enough to fool him".

"You want to show him our time together?" Harry replied softly, feeling as if he had been punched in the gut.

"I will not allow him to see many of the moments, only those which are less consequential for us. I would prefer to show him us having sex as he does not like to see me engaged with another man. Whenever I have been in relationships before, the amount that he has entered my memories has lessened, and ..." Severus broke off, hissing in pain.

"What?" Harry asked alarmed.

"He just provided me with a reminder warning" he stated off-handedly, "Sir, I am sorry to do this to you, but I really must get dressed, and go now"

Harry nodded, but then grabbed him just before he stood as something was bothering him. He knew Severus liked to think through the options, but he seemed far too organised and far too calm. "You knew he would summon you" he accused.

Severus had the good grace to look guilty, "I suspected he might"

"And you chose to keep this from me?"

Severus looked down, "You had enough to worry about"

Harry surveyed him for a moment, "We shall discuss this later" he replied, a hint of warning in his tone. He needed Severus to know that he was still his Dominant, and that he would always be, no matter what. He also needed to put on a face to show a strength he didn't feel at the moment, so that Severus wouldn't worry too much about him, and would be able to concentrate on keeping himself safe. Before allowing him to dress, he grabbed him, pulling him in for a tender kiss, "I order you to keep yourself safe, do whatever you have to, I don't care. As long as you come back to me safe" Severus nodded, smiling, and kissed him again before standing.

"Can you go and tell Albus?" the older man asked him, resuming his dressing. Harry nodded, standing, before pulling on a pair of jogging bottoms and a t-shirt. He flicked on the light as soon as he entered the living room, causing the other men to groan.

"He's been summoned" he barked, unwilling to allow them time to wake up.

Albus was fully awake and sitting up in less than a second. He didn't say anything, but Harry could see his own worry mirrored in the older eyes. Even Kingsley looked shaken. The room was silent, with nobody moving or speaking. There was nothing to say, because they knew there was nothing they could do. Harry felt helpless and useless. He would have to stand by as someone else hurt his partner, and there was nothing he could do about it. Part of his job, not just as a Dominant, but as a partner, was to protect and care for the other man. Instead he would be forced to wave him off with a fake cheery smile on his face, to be tortured by a madman. He was also angry, which only served to make him feel guilty and selfish. How dare someone give orders to his submissive? Severus was his, and as his Dominant, only he should ever have this level of control over him. It made him feel guilty that he should be having these thoughts when the other man was in serious danger.

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