Untitled Part 24

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Harry didn't give them time to fall apart; they needed to cope with this now. He looked at his submissive fiercely, "We will deal with this", he told him firmly. Severus held his gaze, but there was nothing but devastation within them. "You have prepared me", he continued, "and it means that in just over a week we will both be free". He sounded so sure and confident, and despite the evident worry that would come, he'd always found he was strongest at times of crisis. He had always been able to box off the worry and the fear, and deal with the problem in front of him. It seemed that it wasn't going to fail him now, and he hoped that it would serve him when the time was truly needed. "Now, come on, let's contact Albus, and get this sorted", he ordered.

His partner studied him for a moment in contemplation, and then smiled, and although it was strained, it took Harry a little by surprise. "I have no doubt that you will triumph, Sir", he told him sincerely, his voice now firm with resolve. Harry pulled him forward for a brief kiss, but he did not allow them to linger. They needed to stay active, and come up with some sort of a plan.

In less than an hour, they had relayed the problem to Albus, gathered the order, and were now sitting in Grimmauld Place, awaiting the last of the members to take their seat. When everyone was settled, Albus looked around the room gravelly, "I have asked Kingsley to join us today, because unfortunately we have some serious business. I shall hand you over to Professor Snape, however," he warned, turning to stare at the occupants with hard eyes, "Some of you are already aware of parts of the situation and some are not, I ask you all to be respectful of what you learn here today, and not to spread the information around. I assure you there will be grave consequences for those who do". At that, he sat down and turned to Severus, who smiled at him almost undetectably.

"I was summoned again today", he began, his voice devoid of emotion, "The Dark Lord has provided me with an ultimatum. In one week, I either bring my partner to him to pledge himself to the Dark Lord's service, or I am required to end the relationship to begin a relationship with him".

There was a deathly silence around the room, "You mean without consent?", Hermione asked softly.

Severus nodded at her, his eyes softening a little at her horrified gaze, "Whilst I would, of course, prefer the latter choice, this is not feasible. Firstly, it is unfair on my partner, and secondly, due to who my partner is, if the Dark Lord were to take me in a relationship he would have unfettered access to my memories, which puts both my partner, and yourselves at significant risk."

"Severus, of course we would never want you to put yourself in that situation, but if you don't mind me asking, in what way will it put us all at risk?", Minerva asked curiously.

Before Severus had a chance to reply, Harry cut in, "Because I am his partner", he declared, looking at his submissive, who smiled almost imperceptibly at him in encouragement. Harry glanced around the room. "Most of you are already aware of this. I think only you Minerva, and you Lupin were not aware". Minerva was gazing at him with shock, her eyes glancing between himself and Severus.

"I would have thought you would have liked being with the Dark Lord", Sirius cut in, sneering, "I would have thought that being on your knees for the Evilest man in creation would have been like a wet dream for you".

Harry was instantly furious, and was just pulling out his wand when suddenly Sirius was up against the wall, choking for air. He turned to see the Headmaster, his wand out, staring at his Godfather with flashing hatred. "If you ever talk to Severus in that manner again, I will make sure that you are never found", he spat. Harry had never seen the Headmaster angry, faraless this spitting fury. "I let you off with breaking them up, which was a mistake on my part, but I will never let you hurt either of them ever again. Do I make myself clear Sirius?", he warned, his voice deadly. By this point Sirius' eyes were bulging, as he struggled to breathe, but he managed to nod, his face turning red as he clawed at his throat. Dumbledore released him, "Go near either of them again, and you will not like the consequences. My generosity has officially run out", he barked. At that, he sat down, and his face turned back to one of benign mildness as he looked up at Severus genially.

It could be a lot of fun or a great big disaster by 99Blackpanther99Where stories live. Discover now