Chapter 11

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I dashed madly into the forest, leaping over fallen tree limbs, sliding around in the thick foliage that carpeted the forest floor. I looked frantically for a way out, somewhere to find help. To find Xavier. 

"Anastia!" Marcus yelled, his voice pushing me deeper into the dense woods. "Come out, come out where ever you are." 

I searched the horizon looking for a way out, something, anything to get me out of this madness. A surge of anxiety trapped me, as the dream of the claustrophobic coffin set itself in my mind once again, only I know now that it wasn't a dream at all, but a reality my mind was trying to help me forget. I'm trapped, running in these woods, until either help comes or death does.

But I refuse to give in so easy, to let myself continue to be the damsel, to keep running and cowering behind a man for protection, when all I need is myself. I'm supposed to be the leader of this kingdom, the last of my line, and I'm not going to continue to cower behind someone else like the fragile girl I was when my parents died. I may not remember everything about my past but I get the sense that my parents wanted me to rise up, to be the leader in these dark days of my kingdom. All at once I know what I must do. 

I spread my arms out wide, picturing long dark wings spreading out, replacing my hairless skin with dark feathers, I picture my nose and mouth begin to form a small, grey beak, and so on until I have a perfectly sculpted body of a mockingbird. I flap my newly formed wings, feeling how light and free I feel in my new skin. I flutter away from my old clothes, just as Marcus rushes up to the pile, clutching his bleeding head with one hand, and grabbing my old clothes with the other. He curses, chucking my clothes at a near by tree. I don't stick around to see what else happens. I have to get back to Xavier. I have to get back to the castle. 


My heart beats loudly against my small chest as a flap above Xavier's head, trying to get his attention. He's searching the parking lot of the carnival desperately, trying to get a clue if I'm still here, or where I could have gone. He glances at his watch. I've only been gone from the carnival for about half an hour, even though it seems like a life time. I chirp loudly, landing softly on his shoulder, letting my small, black wing, graze his large ear. His larger than life hand swats me away, I barely get up enough energy to fly off his shoulder. Being in a different form that my own really is draining me of my energy. I'm having a craving for blood again, and if I don't get back to the castle soon, I'm sure I might pass out.

I decide to take my chances with being naked in public and land on the pavement at Xavier's feet. I chirp at him one last time before releasing my bird body, grinding my bones back into a more human form. 

Xavier starts, barely containing his shock at my sudden appearance. Then he notices my nakedness and tries to advert his eyes the best he can. Luckily the sun is almost set, so the near darkness almost cloaks my naked body. Almost.

Xavier pulls his shirt from his body, quickly handing it to me. I scramble to pull the soft material over my head, trying to keep as many people as possible from seeing the princesses naked body as possible. The material hangs on me like a dress, a very short one at that, but it's better than nothing. "Let's get you home." Xavier says, pushing me gently on the lower back, guiding me through the parking lot until we get to his SUV. I climb through the doors, finally drawing in a relaxing breath, as Xavier slowly guided the car down the traffic jammed street. 

"You need to tell me what happened." Xavier exclaimed, worry crossing his pretty face as we entered the doors of the castle.

"How was the carnival?" Maggie called from the kitchen.

"Fine." I called back before Xavier could answer for me. I grabbed his hand in mine, pulling him up the stairs and into my room. Sealing the door closed behind us, I push him through the bathroom door in my room, and close that one as well.

"What the hell, Anastia?" Xavier runs a hair through his already tousled blonde hair. "What is going on with you?"

I turn on all the faucets in my large bathroom. "I'm being watched." I said, getting as close to him as possible, afraid that someone might hear.

"What do you mean?" He looks puzzled, glancing at the gushing faucets like I'm a crazy person. And maybe I am. 

"This castle has to be bugged or something." I glance around the bathroom. "The Greys always know where I am. He  always knows where I am." 

"Who does?"

"Marcus." I said, hurriedly. "He's my ex boyfriend as far as I remember. He tried to kill me. Shoved me into a coffin. I don't know how I made it out."

"We need to get you out of here. Run, hide, I don't care. But I need to keep you safe." He grips my hands in his, pulling me closer to him.

I push away. "No. I'm done running and hiding and being the scared little girl that everyone expects me to be. I'm about to be the leader of this country as soon as they swear me in, and I'm not going to cower away from a fight anymore." I say, feeling myself rise up to the role as queen of Ismal for the first time in my life.

"So what do we do?" Xavier asks. 

"We make a plan, fish out who ever is attacking me and the others in our country, and destroy them. Unite all the people of this land if that's what it takes." I say, turning and facing a small window that looks out above the blackened night, trees soar high in the night sky, and I can't help but want to turn back into my little bird and fly through the air. 

"Then that's exactly what we'll do." Xavier braces both of his large hands on my slender shoulders, and brushes a soft kiss against my cheek. "Anything for you my Queen."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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