My Dearest Raven.

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~Sample From Completed One-Shot I wrote, inspired by one of my friends who is going into the Air-Force.~

Dear Raven,

        My Dearest Raven, even though it has been only a few months, it feels like it has been years. You're a sophomore now and I couldn't be anymore proud of what you've done. I apologize for missing your birthday this year, but I had training. Speaking of training, I've met some new friends! Wow, I feel like such a kid right now, telling his parents all about his new friends he's made on the first day of school. One of them, Richard, grew up as an only child and was adopted by like a billionaire. His birth parents died when he was at a young age. He is very brave and hot-headed but he's also a very serious person. Funny enough, he told me that he joined the air force because he said that he "Wanted to feel like a free bird, like a Robin". The other guy's name is Victor. He's African-American and he is always making me laugh. Since he is really good with technology, he is going to help work on the aircraft rather than flying them. I can already tell that I've made friends for life here and I can only hope that you guys can meet one day. I love you so much and I'll come visit when I'm able to.

Love you Forever,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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