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[ kira yukimora ]

imagine lydia blurting out kira's secret wish to go on the party with you as her date

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imagine lydia blurting out kira's secret wish to go on the party with you as her date

did you hear from the big party lydia is giving on sunday,
you ask, after you approached kira, who was standing at the door frame of your class room.

huh, oh y─eah, yeah i heard of it.

you can clearly see how
nervous she is by the way she avoids to look you directly in the eyes.

aand do you want to go on it?
i mean, like, with somebody? or ...

well, no not really. i mean i would like to, but there's nobody.

her stuttering gets even worser, but then suddenly lydia, who sat already on her seat, turns around with a mischievous smile on her lips.

but kira, didn't you tell me you wanted to come with y/n as
your date?

you know she has a little crush on you, but you never expected her to really consider asking you out for the party.

i would love to go
there as a date, kira,
you say beaming at her, before you notice the coach walking into class and qickly head off to search a seat.

the flustered girl at the door
mumbles, her cheeks coloured in a slight pink.

what would you rather do:
─ chilling in a park with scott, stiles
    isaac and liam
─ drinking milk shakes at a diner with
    lydia, kira and malia ?

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