Chapter Three: Larry, Laundry and Love

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Orange is the new hell

Chapter Three

"Larry, Laundry and Love."

AN: Chapter four will be up when this chapter gets ten views. This is more of a filler chapter. Kinda shitty. xx

Hours of this flu from hell faded into days. Alex didn't leave her side unless she was forced to by one of the guards. Each day that ticked by simply fueled the butterflies in Jordan's stomach. Alex was different than anyone else here. she was beautiful without really trying to be, she was both bad ass and kind at the same time, but never too much of either. Jordan could feel herself falling for Alex, and she knew that had to stop. and the only way to do that, was to cut herself off from the much older girl. Alex was 29, Jordan was just 19. A ten-year age gap was far too big, right?

That day was the first day of work for Jordan, which, in a sense it was a good thing. She was feeling better. The tossing and turning and lurching stomach had vanished and her fever had finally broke that night. She felt different without the drugs, and no matter how much pain, how much horror they caused, she still missed them. She still had this longing, empty feeling that wasn't able to be filled.

Plopping her tray on the table, she sat down across from Alex and Piper. So much for avoiding Alex, she had no other friends here and no where else to sit. it was like high school all over again. She had but two friends, one of who she could already feel herself falling for. Alex was the first to notice when she sat down,

"Hey, look at that, the little junkie is feeling better," she joked. Though Jordan knew that's all those words were, a joke. they still felt like a thousand daggers being trusted into her chest. Probably because she was right. She was a junkie, that would be all she'd ever be. She was silent as she started picking at her food. The sounds of her surroundings now accompanied by Alex and Chapman bickering.

"So, Larry gave you a choice, him or me?" Alex said. Jordan tried not to listen in, she really did, but that became impossible. Alex had told her about Larry. He was Chapman's fiancé. The one Piper had cheated on with Alex.

"Well, yeah, I mean I can see when he's coming from-"

Alex cut Piper off before she could finish, "So who are you going to choose?" Piper glanced down, as if the answer would be written in her food. There was a long silence between the two, one that made even Jordan uncomfortable. "Who?" Alex insisted.

"I...I don't know," she said sheepishly. This seemed to anger Alex. She stood up, grabbed her tray and looked over at Jordan,

"JJ, you've got Laundry duty, right? Follow me and I'll show you the ropes." Hesitantly, Jordan stood up. She shouldn't be going anywhere with Alex. She couldn't fall for her. She couldn't. but as she followed behind Alex, watching everything about the way she moved, she felt those butterflies come back, and soon she was unable to keep her eyes off her.


Work was never fun. But when your coworkers were a 29 year-old girl with girlfriend issues and a bunch of meth addicted preachers, that just made it fifty times worse. The whole time she worked she had to listen to Pennstatucky talk about how Chapman just needed god. With each word the meth-addicted woman said, Alex just seemed to get more and more annoyed, huffing and rolling her eyes as she flicked clothing into the washer. It was easy to get the hang of this. It was just a matter of remembering who's clothes were in what washer.

"Do you think she'll chose him?" Jordan asked. Alex's face fell, and she didn't make eye contact with the younger girl,

"I don't know. I do know if she picks him, she better not come running back to me as soon as he breaks her heart. I'm not dealing with it. I'm not going to be her second choice."


After work hours, the girls had a little bit of free time before dinner. Jordan spent it the only way she knew how. She drew. She let every thought and emotion spill onto the paper, shading here, line there. she used to love drawing. As a kid, it was her sanctuary. Her place to forget about every shitty thing that was going on in her life. But when she started Heroin, all need for sanctuary disappeared, so she stopped. Now that the need was back, she picked up her pencil again and let her mind go free. That was when she heard sobbing coming from her doorway. She looked up to see the one and only Alex Vause, tears and streaks of black eyeliner pouring down her cheeks. The girl said but one phrase through her tears, her voice shaky and barely able to be heard,

"She chose Larry."

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