Chapter Five: Caught in the act

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Orange is the new hell

Chapter Five

"Caught in the act"

"You aren't too bad at that, Vause," Jordan said with a wink and she stepped into her prison mandated panties again. Alex let out a quiet chuckle, stepping towards her and brushing a strand of her firey orange hair out of her sticky, sweat coated face. Leaning in towards her ear, the girl spoke in a husky whisper that sent shivers down her spine,

"Judging by that scream, I was more than a little good." Alex's teeth grazed her ear lobe before she pulled away again, taking her glasses off the top of her head and placing them on her face. She wasn't lying. By the end of their...activities, Jordan was screaming so loud Alex literally had to shoved her hand in her mouth to be her to shut up. Jordan's cheeks tinted a bright pink at the thought, and Alex let out another laugh, making Jordan's stomach flutter and make her want to kiss her again. But she couldn't. It was a one time thing, she had said that. Alex still loved Piper. But Jordan couldn't help but hope that they actually had a chance of making something out of this.

"Thanks, Lex. I needed that," She smiled at the older girl. She reached down and grabbed her pants and top, but before she could put them on, she heard the door to the chapel swing open and a a figure step inside. A quiet "Fuck," came from beside her, and she soon remembered that much like herself, the beautiful raven haired girl was in nothing but her bra and panties. They both struggled to get dressed, but before they could, a loud voice filled the room,

"Engaging in Lesbian activity. Jensen, Vause, both of you are going to the SHU. NOW!" He shouted the last word so loud it made both girls jump and tears fill Jordan's eyes. She had heard what solitary was like. Words whispered around the lunch room. It was hell, and after the few days Jordan had, she wasn't sure she could deal with that. Alex noticed the tears in her eyes, and squeezed her arm lightly, reassuring. Both the girls dressed and were grabbed by one guard each, a firey tight grip on Jordan's arm that made her cry out quietly in pain.

"I'm sorry, Vause!" She called out as she was pulled away, unable to control the hot tears that slipped down her freckled cheeks. She couldn't bare to think that Alex was going to SHU because of her. Then again, she was going to SHU, too. She was going to completely isolated from any humanity. How was she going to stop herself from going insane?

Jordan stumbled as she was pushed into an empty room. The cold surrounded her as soon as she did, sending a haunting chill down her spine. The grey stone walls smelled of urine, puke and possibly blood, making Jordan cringe. She could only imagine who had been in here before her. What crazies had laid on her bed and screamed cried and hit their head on the wall. If they were not crazy when they got here, this room would have drove them to the brink of insanity. It was tiny, barely the size of her childhood bathroom, but surprisingly, wasn't the worst place she had ever stayed. She spent years of her life on the dank and dirty streets of New York City, without a penny to her name.

The ginger sat in the middle of the cold, hard floor. Her bright blue eyes scanned the room, hot, salty, tears falling down her cheeks uncontrollably. The longer she sat there, the more numb she felt. It was something unlike she had ever felt before. She didn't feel like she was in her own body, she felt like she was on the outside looking in. The walls started to close in on her, her shaky breathing quickened, and she was soon unable to contain her screams. Her heart was thumping out of her chest, slamming against her rib cage forcefully, she felt like she was dying.

Was she dying?

She held her head in her hands, pulling and ripping at her hair as she screamed and screamed, begging herself to calm down. For her heart to stop beating so fast and her hyperventilating to slow. She tried, and screamed, and pulled, and cried. Slowly she lost track of time.

Day faded into a florescent lit night, and then night into morning. Soon she could no long scream. No longer cry. Her body functions regulated, and Jordan just felt numb. She felt like her whole body was filled with Novocain.

So she sat, unmoving, unthinking in the middle of the room.

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