Spider fright

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One night my friend was staying over at my place for the night. It was a school night so we had to go to sleep early. About 12.00am I fell asleep just after I watched a spider movie and I am terrified of spiders. My friend was sleeping on my bed and I was sleeping on the mattress. When I fell asleep I had a dream and in my case it was very scary. In my dream there was my friend and me still sleeping but In my dream I woke up and when I woke up I saw a spider next to me and it was a big spider.

I jumped out of the mattress and I was sitting on the ground next to the door the spider was crawling towards me so in fear I made a fist and punched the spider. After I punched the spider I looked on the ground and there was nothing there. As I looked I felt something crawling on my hand. So I look at my hand and there was the spider. I yelled out “CRAP” I used my other hand to swipe the spider off.

 After I flicked the spider off I followed it through the air. As it landed it started crawling towards me again so I started backing up towards my door and then I woke up terrified. Just moments after I woke up I lifted up the corner of the mattress and looked under the sheets to see if there was a spider there. Of course there wasn’t because it was a dream but it could still happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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