~Part nine~

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~The next day~
Italy woke up on top of America on the floor, he nuzzled America's chest a little bit and enjoyed the calm feeling and listened America's heart beat. America felt Italy nuzzles his chest making his heart beat sped up, America this near his crush was not a good mix.
Italy heard America's heart beat sped up and became a bit confused about it. "Oh no is he having a nightmare?" He thought but didn't move. America softly wrapped his arms around Italy and groaned. Italy blushed and opened his eyes to look at America, sighing in relief to see that he was still asleep. He decided to stay there and watch America as he slept. Well he couldn't really move anyways when America was hugging him. After awhile America's woke up and opened his eyes. Italy quickly looked away.
"Buon giorno"* Italy quietly said to America.
"Buon giorno darling" America answered to Italy smiling. Italy smiled cutely to him before yawning and stretching his wings, he was also a bit surprised that America knew Italian.
"You know I know every language right?" America asked smirking.
"How do you expect me to know?" Italy pouted a little at America's smirk, but seen went back to his normal smile.
America laughed.
"I'm America! Every culture is in me" he said and winked at Italy. Italy blushed a little.
"Well I guess I learn something new everyday" he said before wiggling out of America's hug, stretching more. America flew up stretching as well.
"So what are we gonna do today?" Italy asked while starting to preen his wings.
"What would you like to do little one?" America answered with a question, patting Italy's head.
"I don't know, what can we do here?" Italy smiled a little.
Anything you can imagine, we have a big ass gaming room dude!" America said exited.
"Oh, Well then lead the way?" Italy asked smiling back. America's wings fluttered just like his heart.
"First breakfast, si?"
"Si"* Italy nodded smiling. America smiled as well then took Italy's hand and led him to the kitchen. Italy followed looking at his surroundings a bit curiously.
"So what would you like to eat dude?" America asked.
"Just a sandwich would be fine" Italy answered. America smiled and goes to make Italy a sandwich, already knowing what he wanted on it and when it was done he gave it to Italy.
"Grazie"* Italy smiled sweetly and started to eat the sandwich.
"Prego Feli!" America said smiling and started to make himself an egg sandwich. Italy smiled as he ate his sandwich. America soon joined him and sat down eating his sandwich as well.
Buon giorno ~ good morning.
Si ~ yes.
Grazie ~ thank you.
Prego ~ you're welcome.
Sorry I had to cut this chapter short again, I'll try write tomorrow more...
End of part nine

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