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Sitting here in a hospital room every day makes me think. It makes me think about if things were different.  If mom was healthy and if dad was still alive. These past few years have been rough. I spend most of my time at the hospital with mom. I enjoy spending time with her,  we talk about everything. She is one of mt best friends. When I'm not at the hospital I'm either at school,  or the cafe I work at. I work there with my other best friend Jason. Hes always been there for my and I consider him a brother,  he knows about my mom and always tries to help in all possiple ways.
We go to LA High-school together and we plan on going to the same university. School isn't bad, it's not fun but it could he worse. Jason is more popular than I am.  It doesn't matter to me however,  I couldn't care less for popularity.  It's not important and if you become popular, you become a snob. Most of the time at least. Jason chose me over popularity last year. He had a chance to go and hangout with the populars but he turned them down and told them I was more important. This is the meaning of best friends.
At the cafe our boss,  Angelina is amazing.  She's the best boss ever,  I have worked here for about 2 years now and I love it. Jason does too,  we do everything we can to help her run the cafe.  She is a pretty flexible boss with hours and all.  As long as you don't take advantage of her she is fine with us calling off,  which I don't to that often but when I do she knows it's probably for my mother. Jason covers for me if that happens though.

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