chapter 6

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i am sooooo warm. i dont wanna get up. but i really need to pee. ugh, i think ill just hold it for a minute, this pillow is really comfy, its really long to... i bet its a body pillow. i hear a knock on the door. huh.

" boss, we have a problem down stairs."

um... ok?

i hear a sigh, jason.

i can feel the vibration of his response, " ill be down in a minute."

thats when i realize... i havent been cuddling a pillow. ive been cuddling a jason! fuck! i really want to get up now.

" i know your awake."

ugh, great.

i open my eyes and try to scoot away but he wont let me.

" what are you in a rush for? you didnt want to let me go earlier."

i glare at him, " in my defence i thought you were a pillow."

" sure you did."

i need to pee really bad, im about to pis myself. i try to get up again, but i am stopped by his iron grip.

" do you want me to piss on you?"

" sure."

i elbow him and he laughs and lets me go. i go to the bathroom and pee, it feels so nice to get that out. then i brush my teeth and wash my face i also try to tame my wild hair, which by the way sucks total ass. when i walk back out of the bathroom Jason is gone, probably off dealing with that oh so urgent problem. thats when i hear a loud ass scream, what in the everliving FUCK? i open the door and make my way down stairs, to see a man on his knees with a large cut on his right cheek, no one sees me yet but i plan to keep it that way. why the hell would you do this shit in your living room, shouldnt you have like... i dont know a dungeon under your house or maybe a shed outside. i mean come on you are supposed to be a professional. i continue to watch in utter shock as they cut this poor gentleman's ear off. yeesh that has to fuckin hurt right?? i guess he'll be a little lopsided-- that is if he even lives to be lopsided. i let out a small chuckle at my thought. the poor earless man looks me in the eye pleading with me to help him, i feel kinda bad for him but he probably deserves it, or at least i hope he does. i dont want to watch this happen and then find out that he was just sending a message that Jason didnt like. that would piss me off. the man continues to look at me Jason seems to notice the man stareing intently at something because he looks at the man and follows his gaze, his dark blue eyes meeting my green ones. his face goes from sinister torture dude to apologetic in the blink of an eye. let me tell you sinister torture dude was a good look on him, it was kinda scary but its fine. im pretty sure thats what it was meant for anyway. ya know to look scary... not hot. he turns and looks at the dude next to him and wispers something then walks towards me, " i am so sorry. you didnt need to see that."

" well why the hell not? i was gonna see it eventually. besides, he had to have done something to deserve it right?"

" yes he did."

the curiosity is killing me. i really wanna know what he did.

what is the saying, oh.

curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

" just out of curiosity... what did he do?"

he looks taken aback for a moment, like i surprised him in some way. like no one ever asks questions like this.

" he abandoned his comrades, his teammates. because he was to scared to face the terrors of battle."

" so basically he is a coward."

" yes basically."

" well then, cut away. ill wait for you upstairs. maybe catch up on some reading. oh and when your done could we please go shopping i need some clothes."

he looks amazed. i think he expected me to throw a bitch fit. well surprise motherfucker, you dont get a bitch fit today. lol.

" yeah..."

he trails off.

" well go on, im not gonna wait all damn day. lets go chop chop. turn around put on your game face and finish what you started."

then i turn and make my way back upstairs. once i get back i look through his book collection and find The Girl Who Played With Fire and sat down to read it. with the screams of a cowardus( AN, not sure how to spell that.) man sounding in the back ground.


hello bitches,

sooooo, tell me how it is. i know its probably a little short but it's ok, i have alot of laundry to fold before 10 o'clock so please forgive me.
this is not edited so forgive any wrong spelling.

Happy Reading


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