October 31st, 2007

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October 31st, 2007


After the few months with Leo, we finally decided to settle down into a small apartment that I could afford.

Georgie's pretty fine with him being around. He always try's to calm me down when I get angry with Leo. It's pretty sweet.

Leo, lets get you into your costume. I say walking into his tiny room. It's decorated with super heroes-that Georgie made me steal from the store.

Is mama and dad coming to trick or treat with us? He questions, as I zip up his Spider-Man costume.

No, they're...busy tonight. I tell him. He's always tried to get out of me on what happened with mom and dad. I hate it.

Calm down, it was just a question. Georgie tells me. I take a few deep breathes.

Lets get going! I say picking up his bag for trick or treating. Leo gives me a weird look.

Where's your costume..?

I don't have one.

You need a costume to trick or treat, Lacey. He goes inside my room, searching through my stuff. The first thing he grabs is my old fairy wings.

Those won't fit me! I laugh. Then he grabs a crown.

Fine, you can wear this instead. He places it on my head.

Thank you, my sir. I pick my bag up.

You're welcome, princess! He takes his bag from the table, and we leave.



Georgie told me to smile, because I'm a princess. But, I refused to.

Leo got a bunch of candy for being "so adorable". One guy even gave him a whole candy bar, for being his favorite superhero.

How about..this house now? We walk up to the door. He knocks. A guy-probably 17 or 18, wearing a mask, opens the door. Not to get things awkward..but..he's hot.

Hello, spider-man and..his beautiful..princess-sister? I nod and blush.

He's trouble, Lacey-don't fall for it. Georgie hisses. I mentally yell at him.

Why..thank you. I smile.

Spider-man, I have.. Spider-man candy for you...BTW, I'm your biggest fan. He hands him the candy.

Wow!!! Thanks!!! Leo yells.

And for the princess..I have this. He scribbles on a tiny paper-his number.

I'm..Lacey by the way. I say accepting the paper.

I'm Sam. We awkwardly shake hands.

Okay, Sam- I'm planning to call you..sometime. We begin to walk away.

Bye, Spider-man and the beautiful Lacey! Sam yells behind us.

I think Sam likes you! Leo yells, when we're down the street.

Yeah. I smile to myself.

SAM AND LACEY SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!! He screams. I laugh and tickle him, until he stops.

I actually kinda hope..Leo's right.

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