Chapter 9:West China

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1944, West China, Near the Headquarters of the Maoist Army

The Team is on foot and is trying to find the Maoist Base.Then when they step on a line, 5 Maoist Soldiers armed with Arisaka Rifles."Its OKay, Zhu De and Zhou Enlai send us here!'Farhan said as 2 Men in coat and Communist Chinese Hats.Its Zhu de and Zhou ENlai.They are Holding TT 33 Pistols."Okay our Leader, Mao Tse Tung WAnts to see you"Zhou Enlai said as they went inside the HQ.Mao is inside drinking tea."Okay so our mission is to destroy a Japanese Arsenal and loot their Guns, Cannons and Tanks.Want some tea?"Mao said and asked."No Thanks . But Where is this Arsenal?"Ranchoddas asked. "Its on Gansu, 10 MIles from us, dont worry we are going there in Horseback"Zhou Enlai said as 1500 Maoist Troops gearup and went to their Horses.Mao,Zhu and Zhou went on their Horses too.So did the Team.

Later at the Japanese Gansu Arsenal

"Thats the Arsenal.Intel shows they have 500 Type 30 Rifles, 1000  Type 99 Rifles and 30 Type 94 Mountain Guns, and i heard there is also 600 Type 92 Machineguns.Attack!"Mao said as his Maoist Soldiers charged at the Japanese Troops."Chinese Rebels!Use the Bell!"Lt.Hito Tinsao said as a japanese Kempetai uses a Bell to wake up Kempetai Officers and Japanese Soldiers. "Are you just gonna sit there?"Mao said as the Team went to the BAttlezone and attack the Japanese."Are we the Only Indians?"Quesehri asked "Well i will call"Ranchoddas said as a British Transport Plane drops 50 Indian Paratroopers armed with Springfield Rifles.Then Mao, ZHu and Zhou begans firing their Pistols at the Japanese.Then Nationalist Tanks and a BAttalion wents in from a dune."Nationalists?"Zhou Enlai said as the Nationalist Army fight the Japanese Army.Inside a T26 is Hai, The officer the team met in Nanking. "Hai?Is that you?"Farhan said as Hai waves his hand and Uses his  Vz 24 to slay some Japanese Soldiers.3 Warhawk planes shoots Japanese Soldiers."We Need Reinforcement!"Tinsao said as He shot a Flare Gun into the Air. Then a Battalion of Japanese Soldiers on horseback and Armed with Type 44 Calvary Carbines with Bayonets, Type 26 Revolvers and There is 2 Horses carrying a Type 92 Machinegun and a MG42."Its the Arsenal!Defend it!"A Soldier said as he punched Mao in the gut."How dare you disrespect me!"Mao said as he pistol whip the soldier and Zhou and Zu fires at the Soldier.Then The Allied Army outnumbered the Japanese Army."What should we do with them"Raju asked "Zhou,Zhu kill them all except this bastard!"Mao said as he punches Tinsao in the head.When Zhou and Zhu's Pistol Ran out of Ammo, 12 Maoist Soldiers Slaughtered the Japanese Army, a Payback for Nanjing."Who is your Commander"Mao Asked as he pistol whiped Tinsao in the head.'Its Hirohito.Our Great Emperor"Tinsao said as Mao pistol wiped him again."Emperor ,my ass"Mao said as a Last Japanese Soldier Chuckled.Farhan then  fired his Revolver at his Shoulder.Then A Maoist fire his Arisaka on the Soldier's Head."Okay How do you want to die.Gallows?Shot? Or  Beheading like what you do with my Brothers in NANJING!"Mao said as he uses his Knuckles to punch Tinsao. "I want to be shot , " Tinsao said. 'Well Shot it is"Mao said as he Shot Tinsao in the Head.He wants to kill Japanese Soldiers who killed his supporters but he wants it quick."Okay Lets get the Weapons!"Mao said as his soldiers (not the Indians)Cheered. "Well, I have Rum"Ranchoddas said as he passes his Rum Bottle on his Friends and Teammates."I got some Rum and bread too"Quesheri said as he passes his Bread box to his fellow soldiers.Then the Chinese Army Collected (10,000 Type 99 Rifles, 300 Type 100 Flamethrowers,9,000 Type 94 Mountain Guns,11,000 MP18s, 100 Crates of Imported Mk 2 Grenades Smuggled from America and 200 Crates of Smuggled M1911A1, smuggled from the Philippine Commonwealth and 300 Crates of the worst pistol , Type 94. "You Can sell this Crates for 100 Rs per Crate."Mao said as the Chinese Army countinue to take the Weapons. "Lets go"Ranchoddas said. "Oy Wait. Take this guys!"Hai said as he gives a leather bag.Its filled with 100,000 Rupee "High Roller! lets go!"Ranchoddas said as they went back to the Airfield to go back to Shimla."What is the Next Mission? you High Roller?"Farhan asked. "Well We are going to Korea, To Assault a Japanese Headquarters.Dont Worry we will do it with the Koreans.And it will be on Pyeongyang at 0200 Hours"Ranchoddas said.

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