Truth, dare, dirty dare, kiss, command or promise? [2]

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"Savannah!?" I jumped as I heard out child minder yell my sister name.

"Where could she be?" Helen, our child minder muttered under her breathe as she ran around the house, "oh, Lila, have you seen your sister? I cant find her anywhere?" her eyes searched my face and caught a glimpse of the eyeliner line down my cheek.

"Oh shit, oh sorry I swore, did I do that mark?" She asked, still staring.

I turned back to the mirror, and looked at the think line, "yes, but its okay, very easy to fix." I smiled at her. She looked worried, concern covered her petit face. "Helen, its only eyeliner!" I chuckled.

"Oh. So sorry!" she said again and scurried off to find Savannah.

As I pulled out a make up wipe, I remember where Savannah was.

"HEY! Helen? Savannah should out jogging, its Thursday isn't it." I smiled to myself, chuffed I remember, I never remember things about my sister.

Savannah, well she blends into the back ground, only if the background is huge.

My sister is overweight, so she goes jogging twice a week, to try and bring her weight down. The doctor are saying if she doesn't loose weight rapidly, its going to threaten her health, maybe even resulting in an early death. So, for once Savannah has taken something, other than school work seriously. She does all kind of sport; swimming, work out gym and jogging. Nothing has really seems to work her. She has a specialist appointment next week at the hospital.

"Ah, yes I remember." Helens voice rang out form down the stairs. "She's back at 9..." I heard her mutter as she ran around the house.

Bless her. Helen was way into her sixties, late or early, I couldn't tell she didn't look her age. She only looked after up on days, well weeks, when my mom was out of town. Mom was usually away on business and some of the time at the plastic surgeons. She earns the money one weeks, blow it the next. Mom has always said she hates leaving us, especially leaving Rory. Rory, my adorable baby brother, he's six blonde hair, blue eyes. He's going to be a right ladies man when he grows up.

This is why he have to stay in the house. Okay, so it big for a normal persons house who has a normal salary but still small for the house I'm use to.

Back to Helen. She was a soft gentle woman, but she sure doesn't take breaking the rule gently, coming from Russia, her discipline was rough. So, I can tell, me not going to detention tonight to go to the biggest party so far.

The biggest party so far.

Well I better look my best, was all I could think as I look into the mirror that hung on the light blue walls of our bathroom.

I span on my heels and walked out into my room, still not happy with my fringe.

"Lila?" Helen voice drifted up the stairs to me.

I ran to the landing, and the top of the stairs. She was watching me intensely, "What time are you leaving?" She asked.

"Um..." I glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's... NOW?!" I screeched.

I started panicking, rushing around the upper floor of out house. "Damn. Damn. Damn." I muttered over and over again.

The door bell rang throughout the house, echoing off the walls.

"SHIT!" I didn't even know it was my voice that bellowed into the silence of the house.

"Lila. Language! Come and open the door." Helen snapped.

"So. Lills, are you gonna hook up with someone tonight babe?" Amiee yelled over the booming club music in Tommy's car.

"Hey, I don't have a plan-" I stared, but got cut off by Tyler.

"Of course she's gonna hook up with someone! Its Lila-Rose Von-Da-Mare for gods sake! The hottest girl going! I swear even girls dribble over her." They all laughed.

"Agreed, mate!" Tommy said, taking one hand off the steering wheel and high five-ing Tyler.

"Excuse me?!" Amiee snapped at Tommy.

Amiee and Tommy were dating, but that didn't stop Tommy hitting on me. It didn't stop any boy hitting on me when they - or me- was in a relationship.

"Sorry babe." Tommy winked at her and continued to drive up to Sammy and Johns party, Sammy and John were twins and this was their 16th birthday. They're parents gave them the house for two weeks while they went on holiday.

"So, Lills." Tyler said, "are you sleeping over Sammys?"

"Yeah. And you sleeping over for John?" I asked him.

"Yeah I am, and maybe could we-"

BUZZ. BUZZ. BUZZ. Someone was calling me.

"Helen?" I said.

"Yes. One- Do not answer the phone in that tone of voice. Two- your sleeping, yes?"

"Yes. Helen, I am. Can I go now? I was kind of busy." I muttered, hanging up. That I was going to have to pay for later.

"Yeah, sorry Tyler. What was you saying?" I asked, innocently.

The people in the car laughed, like it was obvious.

"Never mind." He muttered, turning his head to look out the window for the rest of the journey.

"Amiee?" I asked, confused on what I had missed.

"Not now. Outside." she mouthed at me.

The rest of the trip to Sammy and Johns, was in silence other that the pulsing music Tommy hadn't turned down.

The tree were covered in fairy lights, with red and blue ribbons swooping everywhere. A massive banner over the door read "Sammy and John. Get ready to party ;D"

Tommy had parked his car round the block, so it didn't get trashed when everyone was drunk.

Me and Amiee were walking in front of Tommy and Tyler.

"Amiee, what was wrong with Tyler?" I asked.

"You really are that clueless?" She laughed.

"Don't be mean!"

"Okay, Okay. Tyler has been in love with you ever since year 7. that's three years! I think, seeing as both you and him are sleeping tonight, he wants some action. Its been a while since him, and you actually have... you know what I mean." She replied, under her breath.

"WOW!" We all said at once as we set foot in Sammy and Johns house.

"Well this is going to hard to out do... I called dibs on doing Halloween!" I muttered.

It. Was. Amazing!

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