Truth, dare, dirty dare, kiss, command or promise? [4]

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As I slammed the door closed, I tried to catch my breathe before moving. Maybe what Amiee said was true, maybe all these years Tyler had liked me without me knowing. Come to think of it, Tyler was very protective of me. He had always hated all the boys I had been out with, he even hated it when me and Amiee always gossiped about fit celebrities.

I really don't know how I feel about it.

"Lila," John muttered. "What was that?"

I opened my eyes and lifted my head. John was closer than I expected, face only inches from mine, his gorgeous green eyes searching my face for something, anything. I didn't usually think of green eyes nice, but he's very so vibrant, piercing, neon even.

"John," I said, resting my hands on his bare chest. "I don't know, Amiee said something to me today, about him 'liking me' but I don't know whether or not to believe it,. I'm rather sceptical at the moment."

Pulling me closer into a tight hug he murmured into my hair, "L, I think you should believe her.

I leaned back to get a closer look at his face. Raising one of my eyebrows I just started at him.

"Guys intuition." I laughed.

"Annabell." I muttered.

"Its-" Coughs "- Arrabell." The girl throwing up in the bathroom corrected me on her name, again. I don't even know why I'm sitting here with her. All I'm doing is patting her about and keeping her company. I think she bisexual actually. She called me fit. I think that's why I came with her. I cant resist a compliment. Well, that I and I loving looking at myself in the mirror. That's my flaw, I'm vain. I have many *hiccup* flaws, this is just one of *hiccup* many.

"Annabell." I hiccupped again. "I mean Arrabell." I let her finish hacking up again before I continued. "Did you even-" *hiccup* "- drink that much? Because I'm on my..." *hiccup* I looked down at the strongbow in my hand, empty. So I picked up the extra I have brought and started to *hiccup* drink it. "I think this is my... 1...2...3....4...5 well I'm on my sixth. I not a light-" *hiccup* "weight though. So I guess you are. That or you eated some icky porn." *hiccup* I said porn, I seemed to start to laugh and carry on laughing, until I have her wrench her guts up again. "I mean prawns. Not porn!" *hiccup* and the laughing started again.

"Are you here to take the piss Lila?" Annabell grunted. Oh wait, its Arrabell.

*hiccup* "Teeeeeheeeee! No." I took another mouthful or two of my cider, "Yes-" *hiccup* "- I mean no, well actually yes. Is more funny wonny." I giggled, and hiccupped again.

"Just leave." She screamed.

"Ohhhhkaaaaaaaaaaaay missy wissy You are So moooooody!" I sung and ran to the door. *hiccup* "Oh shit, its closed." I muttered, down the rest of my drink and ran out the door. Did I close it after?

"Oi!" Some guy called. "Lila, your hot. Come here!"

*hiccup* "Yeah?" I grabbed another cider before skipping over to whoever called me.

"Lila, you'r s-s-sleeping tonight h-h-ot studd, oh I mean hot stuff." He keep slurring his words.

"Yeah. I'm staying tonight," *hiccup* "are you?"

"Yeah h-h-ottie!" He slobbered a kiss on my cheek.


"Lila? Lila! Lila-la-la-la-la!" *hiccup* why does everyone keep calling me?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2010 ⏰

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