His Happiness/Her Dismay

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A/N: Just so you guys know...this is two chapters in one. Which is why it has two titles. Enjoy :)

Third Person POV

Shay laid in bed eyes wide, mind racing. She had grown completely restless throughout the night. There was just something she couldn't get over which was her fear of the unknown. For so long she's had her life planning out for her to the last detail. School always came first and after high school was college and after college was either graduate school or the workforce all in that order. Now Bryce had came into that picture and completely demolished it.

What if everything that has happened in her life was all for the right reasons. Her mother abandoned her for a relentless man. Her falling for a guy that she would have never thought in a million year she'll end up with. Establishing a family she's never had. Shay knew exactly what she wanted but she had no idea how to go about it. 

The bedroom door opened to a groggy looking Bryce. Kicking off his dirty shoes and shrugging out of his jacket, he flopped down on the bed with a light thud. Shay sat up slightly taking in his dishevelled appearance. She reached out and rubbed his arm. 

Bryce continued to lay face down in the sheets. His own mind racing with the events that occurred tonight replayed in his head like a song on repeat. The betrayal and hurt he felt in his heart could never amount to words. He wanted to tell Shay what had happened but he knew she was already freaked out and the last thing he wanted to do was worsen that.

"You're still up?" he questioned after a couple of minutes.

Shay shrugged. "Couldn't sleep." she murmured still caressing his arm. "Long night?"

With a heavy sigh, Bryce proceeded to lay on his back. "That's an understatement at this point."

"Wanna talk about it?"

He shook his head. "No, not really." he turned to look at her. "What's got you up?"

Shay sighed. "Don't wanna talk about it."

Bryce couldn't help but smile a little. It seemed as if both of them went through the works today and either of them didn't want to share with the other. Shay knew something was really bothering Bryce because he smelled of smoke. And she knew he only smoked when he's stressed out. But she didn't push him any further. Bryce snaked an arm around her waist drawing her closer to his warmth. 

The both of them laid in silence. Each of them wrapped up in their own thoughts while they were wrapped up in each other. "Are you afraid?" Bryce asked breaking the silence in the room.

"Of course I am." she answered. "But I'm more afraid of something bad happening to you than anything. I've realized this is the only way for us to truly be together."

Bryce's lips formed in a tight line. "There's always another way. We always have options whether or not we choose to recognize these options is up to the individual. But everyone always has options. We've been over this. You don't have to do this for me Shay. You have a big bright beautiful future ahead of you and I'm not going to be the one who takes that away from you, willingly. I'll understand if you want to back out. I never wanted to put this pressure on you from the beginning. I can't stomach the idea that you're throwing your life away to be with me."

"I love you, you know I do. And I know you love me. But if letting you go off to college getting some degree and meeting some blue collar type of guy is what I have to do then that's what I'll have to do. All I want is for you to be happy even if that's without me in your life. I've taken enough away from you as it is."

Bryce couldn't believe he said that to her. He's been over the idea of letting Shay go and live her life for weeks now. He felt as if letting her go was a way to repay her for his own selfish reasons. When he met Shay, she was this fragile little creature full of wonder and her head in the clouds. Now she was someone who was tainted by his own personal dark cloud.

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