Scene 6 {Fluff}

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Sans and Papyrus go on date in the movies.


Papyrus was nervous.
Like, really nervous.
Not because of his date with Sans, Stars no. He was excited for the date, actually. It wasn't about the date.
It was about him wearing a dress. It sounds cheesy, but Papyrus wanted to surprise him by dressing up.
Every time they went out, both of them would go in just normal wear, like jeans and shirts and other stuff like flannels, etcetera. He wanted to show Sans a dress he bought in a shop he walked by.
It was pink with lacy straps on the back, the flowery skirt reaching above his knee, and overall, it was adorable.
He didn't know what Sans would think about it, though.
Will he like it?
The question kept swimming around his mind as he put on the gold necklace with a white pearly heart on it around his neck with a click.
After a long time staring at his appearance in the mirror and smoothing our every wrinkle on the dress, the door suddenly opened with a creak, surprising Papyrus.
"S-SANS! LEARN HOW TO KNOCK!," Papyrus yelped, jumping back and hitting his hip on the edge of his dresser, instinctively covering himself by wrapping his arms around his body even if he was dressed.
His skull flushed orange.
"Sup bro, our movie reservations are at- ..." Sans' voice died down, his jaw dropping as his eyes scanned Papyrus.
Papyrus whined, covering his face, pure embarrassment shanking his soul.
"I-I LOOK BAD, DON'T I?" Papyrus frowned, the worry throbbing in his heart as Sans didn't say anything. Pap looked away, still covering his face and tearing up. Gosh, he was such a crybaby-
"Bro, you look absolutely amazing." He felt Sans' arm wrap around his waist, since, unfortunately, it was the only place he could reach. Papyrus looked at him, expression obviously brightening up as he removed his hands off of his face.
"Yeah. Now, let's go. Alright?"
It was mid-movie, and Sans can't seem to focus on the screen.
Everything faded away except for Papyrus, his focus turned on him. Sans felt slightly unnerved from the fact that a lot of guys approached Papyrus, complimenting him and sometimes saying some ridiculously suggestive things; not until Sans warded them off with a glare.
Papyrus was not naive.
He acted like a child, yes, but he wasn't an idiot. He knew what this and that were. He knew what they meant, but he simply shrugged it off with a half-hearted smile as he turned to them for the purpose of showing them Papyrus' hand tightly clasped around Sans'.
Then they'll chat a bit, before leaving them both alone.
Sans was frustrated; people coming up to him and ignoring Sans when obviously, they were together. He loved the dress on Papyrus, of course. It matched his pristine bones, but he can't help but get set off by complete strangers coming up to them and suggesting a goddamn "session". But he didn't want to control what Papyrus wore or where he went etc. he just wished he has the courage to slap them, and the only thing stopping him were his morals.
"Sans," Papyrus murmured. "You've been staring daggers at me. Is something wrong?" His worries voice made Sans clear his throat and nod. He didn't want to ruin this moment. "Everything's fine, bro."
Even his voice came out strained, and Papyrus shut up for a minute,
Before placing a comforting kiss on his teeth and pulling back. Sans blushed blue, and relaxed his tense position. Papyrus smiled, returning his attention to the movie.
"Relax, Sans. You're better than all of them. I won't pick anyone over you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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