At Lacrosse Tryouts:
Lacrosse has been your passion for years and moving to a new state wouldn't change that. Today was Lacrosse tryouts and you decided that since no one knew you, you would go for tryouts even though it was an all-male team.
Running onto the field with your old jersey on. The colour was black with 42 in white. All of your gear matched the jersey colours of black and white.
(End of tryouts)
"42! You're on offence. Dunbar! McCall! Defence! Stilinski get in goal! Tryouts are done afterwards!" The coach yelled.
You took a deep breath and scooped up the ball. You took off running as fast as you could and dodged 'McCall'. You kept running and 'Dunbar' was running towards you. You thought you dodged him too but you didn't and both you and 'Dunbar' ran right into each other.
You were laying on top of him and he was looking up at you. "Oh, bro! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?!" He asked.
"Mmm, yeah... I'm ok." You sighed grabbing your head.
"Woah." He said.
You got off of him and sat on the ground. "I know, that's why I got off of you. I know I weigh a lot, especially in my equipment."
He sat up. "No, not at all. You're really light, but, you're a girl?"
You nodded and pulled off your helmet.
All of the guys looked at you and were shocked.
"42! Get over here." The coach yelled.
You stood up at the same time as the guy. You fell backwards and he caught you. "You might have a concussion." The boy said.
You sighed and he helped you over to coach and then the nurse's office. He never left your side and you found it adorable. "What's your name?" You asked him.
"Liam." He said with a smile...
Teen Wolf Preferences
Fanfiction-If you don't like Teen Wolf than click off- IMPORTANT! -Let's just imagine that all of these characters were around in the same time period. (Cuz obviously they aren't) These will include: Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Liam, Jackson, Aiden, Theo, & Derek (...