Chapter 2

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chapter 2

I screamed out stupidly again, LET THE PARTY BEGIN! Once again my mum told me to lower my voice, I just turned around and gave her a cheeky grin. All my friends and me then proceeded to continue upstairs to my bedroom where all the beds where set up with snacks and DVDs in the middle of them. They placed all their stuff down in the corner of my room and my mum then suddenly called us down for pizza. As we all walked down stairs a big waft of a strong delicious pizza smell hit our faces. We all sat in our seats I had already labelled where we where to sit, offcourse me as the head of the table with Kayley on the side closets to me she was across from her seat Natasha. Next to Natasha sat Julia across from Julia Livy and at the end of the table Sarah and Lauren sit next to each other.

My mum suddenly brings out 4 pizza large pizzas. There was a delicious looking meat lover one my favourite pizza ever, next to it a lovely looking vegetarian pizza for Livy. Next to that a ham and pineapple one and next to that a plain cheese one! I stood up and went to grab 7 Fanta’s from the fridge when my annoying older brother appeared. “ Tris your friends here yet?” he said with a cheeky grin, my brother is only one year older than me and he is so annoying he is 14, and one thing that is so annoying is that he is totally in love with my best friend Kayley!

 Kayley likes him to but whenever she asks me if he likes her I just say no, the last thing I need is my brother and my best friend getting all lovey dovey! I know it’s a really bad thing to do to your friend so I have decided that I will tell tomorrow when the sleepover is over. Anyways moving on my brother is tall as he has multi blonde hair like me, and ice blue eyes, his hair is Justin Bieber flicky hair. This will sound really bad but he isn’t a bad looking brother!  He takes 3 Fanta’s from me and we head back to the table and offcourse he gives his first one to Kayley!

We finish dinner and we all help my mum bring the plates into the kitchen then all run upstairs as my mum brings upstairs some chocolate cake for us. We turn on my TV on do Disney channel, one of the greatest things about living in America is that all the people on Disney channel live here in America so we see so many red carpet festivals and we even sometimes see celebrity’s chilling out at there favourite cafe! Pretty cool right, by now its 7:30 pm! Time goes so fast,

We all finish and walk out of the dinning room up the stairs and into my room. We shut the door closed behind us as like saying no one can come in no boys allowed! We all sit down in a circle and decided to tell everyone our deepest secretes! GREAT I think to my self I know where this is going and of course what does Kayley say; I have a crush on Tris’s sister Jase! There were heaps of comments like “AWWWW.”“OHHHHHHH” “THAT’S SO CUTE!”  My reply “ ok my turn!” I have a crush on Luke Hemming’s Kayley just laughs, as do the other girls. By the time we have finished giggling and talking I walk out of my room and my brother launches on me like a Lion going for a dear! “ She likes me I heard the conversation!” “ How could you do this to me!” I look at him with my puppy dog eyes and my puppy dog face and say, “ Jase I’m sorry ok I just don’t want you to take my friendship away with her.” He immediately slaps me across the face, not to hard lucky for me but I did deserve it! After he went straight into my room and called Kayley out into the landing within 5 mins Kayley was back in my room talking about her new boyfriend JASE!!!! Great this is why I didn’t tell any of them they liked each other.

I walked back into the room with everyone staring at me, " Oh nothing is the matter, just my mum asking if we wanted some ice-cream!" Would love some smilies Kayley as she follows me down the stairs.

We told jokes, watched funny videos on YouTube, and sang our favorite songs, also danced around. It got to 12 o’clock and my parents told me it was time to go to bed, so like any good children would we all settled down and when to sleep. I slept on my double bed next to Kayley all the girls slept on airbeds on the floor. We all whispered and talked to each other but by 12:30 we were all so tired and went to sleep. I woke up at 7:00 turned over to see if Kayley was awake she wasn’t there I then decided she was at the toilet so I turned over and went back to sleep. Waking up a hour later at 8:00 at the sound of my friends play 5 seconds of summer our favorite band. I turned around again I saw that Kayley was not there again so I asked them where she was! They replied saying she was in the bathroom I went to the bathroom to check if she was ok and she wasn’t there! I was so worried I started running around the house looking for her tears streaming down my face! “Guys I cant find Kayley anywhere!” by now we where all searching the house including my parents, I remembered turning around to see if she was awake around 7:00! If she was missing before that then she has been gone for hours! I walk into my brother’s room because he always sleeps in and I new he would still be angry with me but happy to help with the search!  “ Jase Kayley is missing get up!” “ Jase?” “Jase!” “Jase!!!!” I walk over and pull back the blankets…. When I saw the worst sight ever my brother there in a pool of blood dead! I cant remember what happened much after that all I remember is me screaming with horror and crying my heart out I don’t think I had cried so much in one day! My parents came in when they heard the screaming to come in and see there beautiful boy dead, it really must have been so bad for them! Now with my Brother dead and my best friend missing this was the worst day of life. We called the Police immediantly after that and all the girls got taken home by there parents except for one child Kayleys parents stayed with us to grieve for there missing daughter and my beautiful dead brother. Now i have a lost best friend and my dead brother.....

5 months later....

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