Ŧουя - яєиנυи

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renjun sat, bored, at the cashier waiting for customers to find which flower or flowers they were going to buy. the good looking customer had met someone who seemed like either a really close friend or a lover, he was also a visual, while renjun only saw it once for a second, his smile made his heart flutter. i dont even hace a chance with either of them.. oh well...

renjun saw the pair select 7 blues, 6 whites, and 3 purples before starting to walk his way to pay for them.

today was renjuns lucky day since after the two boys arrived at the counter, the taller one asked him if he could make the flowers into a small bouquet.

"do you want a note to go along with it?"

"yes please."

"do you want to write the note or shall i do it?"

"ill do it, thanks," renjun grabbed a small piece of paper that the boy could write his note on.

after the customer wrote his note, they handed the paper back to renjun, closed. renjun put the note between a few of the flowers in a way that it wont fall to where the stems ends were and handed the bouquet to the boy.

"that will be $17," the customer handed renjun the money and looked up at his face.

the boy then stuck his hand which was holding the flowers out and renjun stood a bit surprised by the others action.

"is there something wrong with it?" renjun asked, curious because the boy hardly glanced at the flowers.

"no, theres nothing wrong with it- except for the fact that the person its for isnt accepting them."

"what-" renjun starts to say before looking at the bouquet and noticing the note, it said:
jn - xxx-xxx-xxxx, jm - xxx-xxx-xxxx
-Jaemin + Jeno.

"eh?!" renjun squeaked, face turning as red as the cardinal flowers and the rest of the reds. things like this made him shy and flustered easily.

"will you come with us?" the other boy spoke for the first time.

renjun looked at his shoes anxiously while playing with his zipper on his sweater. "u-um, s-sure.."

"aw, look jeno, hes so cute and already flustered because of us!" the one renjun guessed was jaemin said- uwuing in real life, if that was possible.

renjun just got even redder and muttered a small, quiet "stop," before glancing back up at the two quickly.

jeno smiled- renjun noticed he had a really cute eye smile that made his heart beat ten times faster- and patted his head, "we'll pick you up at 5 then."

"okay," renjun squeaked quietly before jaemin and jeno left.


i luckly had like half of this chapter written out before posting the other one yesterday, also a thing that was rly stressing me out is now fine so yay! :D

anyways, should i do a chapter for the date? i was thinking of either just ending it like this or ending it after that date chapter (or maybe a few years into the future chapter??) idk, if u have an idea, feel free to share it lol

not edited btw

flowers - norenmin ✔Where stories live. Discover now